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"Are you even listening to me?" I huff at the sight of my ignorant ass friend blankly staring at his phone once again.
"Yeah, yeah."
"I'm so convinced." I mutter, watching as his fingers practically hammer at the screen.
"I heard that." His attention snaps to me for a heartaching second. His dark, bushy eyebrows raised, eyes glimmering with that glint of who the fuck knows what but it makes my heart thump at least ten thousand times more than the normal. That mischievous playboy smirk worn on his lips like a shining medal that could and has happily caught mine and the hearts of every girl in our college. And upon those lips, those plump, plushy pink lips I wish he would just take me with right here right now on our semi-dusty living room floor.

"Yah!" Shit, I spaced out again. "Earth to Jae!" Was I staring? "Hello?!" Play it cool, Jae. Play it cool.
"I-uh-uh-yeah-hi.." Okay, the fuck was that?
"I-uh-uh-yeah-hi. The fuck happened to you? Off in your own little world. You need to stop pulling these all nighters, man. It just might be the end of you." He snickered and fuck, it made my whole body partake in a shiver. "Says the one bringing a different bitch home every night. Don't think I can't hear you." I force a chuckle because although I am the one who said it, it really fucking hurt.
He beams a bright grin and stretches his arms out behind him. "They have names, Jae."
"Oh? You remembered that did you? Go on, tell me the name of the last ever so lucky lady." His eyebrows knit together in search for the girl's name and I can't help but laugh. "You don't remember it, do you?" He shakes his head in protest. "Now hold on just a minute. I never said that." I narrow my eyes, arms crossing over my chest in the action. "Her name... Her name is.." I shake my own head. He never remembers. There's only a select few he remembers and those are those super attractive girls with big asses, tits and slim waists.
I tut watching his struggle. He cocks his head to the left and gives me a look. "Oh, I suppose you know her name do you?"
"Bo-hyun. You're truly unbelievable." He clicks his fingers. "That was her name!" I roll my eyes, and push my hands flat to the tiling to stand myself up. "How did you know?" He questions clearly curious. "Is it because-"
"No!" I yell midst wander to the kitchen. "You sure though?"
"I'm sure, hyung." He's squinting his eyes, I don't even have to look to know.

I stroll on into the kitchen, hand gripping at a handle immediately in search for a glass. I'm suddenly very thirsty. Who am I kidding. I'm always thirsty. My thirst will never truly be quenched until I get me a taste of him. A long sigh escapes my lips as that little voice that knows me all too well begins speaking its stupid little gibberish inside my head again making me want to strangle it around the throat and throw it in a dumpster.

I reach for my favourite cup in attempt to calm myself. A blue plastic cup with a hexagonal pattern along the outside. Not forgetting that stupid Chicken Little from that stupidly great children's movie alongside that weird ass orange fish wearing that weird ass brown scuba helmet. Young-hyun gifted it to me three years ago on my twentieth birthday. It was sort of a gag gift, a really fucking stupid one but nontheless I fucking love it. I smile at the thought and close the cupboard, placing the cup down on the counter before heading over to the fridge where I instantly decide what I would like to drink. I cautiously pull out the glass bottle of strawberry smoothie I made that morning and place it beside my cup, shutting the fridge door in the process. I take a moment to just look at it and admire its beauty. Like, I made that and I didn't fuck it up somehow. Like, how the fuck did I do that? I give a pat to my back and hurry to unscrew the golden cap. I take a cheeky whiff, fuck knows why, I'm fucking strange and there it is, a faint scent of sweet. Fucking delicious. I'm quick to pour a decent sized amount into my cup and by that I mean almost the whole fucking bottle. But you know, I'm a thirsty bitch. Within a flash the bottle is back inside its chilly little home and I'm waddling back over to my future hubby. Hah. I wish that were a thing.

Young-hyun peeks up from his phone as I sit myself back down and I just know he is going to ask me for a third time. "Are you certain, Jae? I mean, I wouldn't be mad if you did, she was pretty sexy. Long pale legs, red-"
"No, I did not fuck Bo-hyun." He seems amused by that. And of course he is. He is a literall child.
"Alright." And just as I think he's let it go and I'm about to take my first sip of my perfection of a strawberry smoothie this afternoon, he fucking speaks up again.
"I wouldn't be mad, you know."
"Okay, thanks hyung!" I chuckle, half amused myself. He chuckles too and we're like chuckling in unison and it's like really fucking beautiful and I'm like low-key preparing myself to fuck this man right here until his dumb fucking phone starts fucking ringing and ruins the fucking moment! I mentally groan and lean myself back, taking the sip I was going to take before I was so rudely interrupted whilst offering a few stares to the said gorgeous man as he picks up that dumb ass phone with those slender and fit fucking hands of his.

"Hello?" Fuck, he sounds so hot. "Ah, Eun-mi~" I splutter and choke on my smoothie, swiftly using my forearm to cough it out into. Fucking- another one. I don't know why I still hold hope. If it's not everyday, it's every other day. I don't even feel a glance of worry as he just begins spewing bullshit into his now really fucking dumb phone. I can't help but mimick the bullshit coming out of his mouth with a hand chatter box. 'You want to go shopping, sweetheart? I can buy you that pink Louis Vuittin bag you really want alongside that matching black panties and bra from Victoria's Secret. Awh, you're blushing? You must look adorable. You always look adorable. That was what attracted me toward you the most. You're so cute. No, don't say that. You are very cute and I can prove that to you tonight if you'd like. After shopping? I'll come pick you up at three-thirty, okay, love?
And then we'll come straight back to my place, yes. Alright, see you soon baby. Bye, beautiful.'

I could throw up. He's said practically the same thing to all the others. It's gotten real fucking old. I take a rather aggressive sip of my smoothie as I scowl at his playboy ass. He turns to me and with a smirk sends a fucking wink that freezes up my heart and somehow just demolishes my anger. And this wouldn't be the first time. I heave a loud sigh off my chest and give my smoothie a little shake as I finally decide to speak the fuck back up. "Louis Vuittin, huh?"
"Yep, Eun-mi talked of one the last time I was with her."
I would roll my eyes but he's actually properly looking in my direction now.
This guy. "And you're happy spending all this money on bras and bags?"
"There's more where it came from, therefore I don't really mind."
"Wow, true words spoken by a true spoilt brat."
"I'm not spoilt, I'm just-"
"Privileged. Yeah, yeah." I swat my hand at his all time favourite line and place my cup upon the table we're seated around to fix up my hair just a little. "Jeeze, you still have that?" I glance to him. "What?"
"That cup. Christ. I thought you got rid of that years ago."
"Why would I? You gave this to me, I'm not just going to throw it away."
"It's for kids, Jae." He laughs and I get all warm. The way he says my name. I'll never get over it.
"I know but you spent money on it and plus, it was the first birthday gift you ever got me."
"Shit, really? Sorry man." I just shrug and smile. "It's fine as long as you never throw this away, alright?" He nods his perfectly shaped head with a smile and I can't help but to continue smiling. He's too handsome for his own good. "Remember I also had my first shot with this cup?" He instantly perked up with a laugh. "Shoot, yeah. And I just had to be extra and ask the guy to pour your drink in your cup. Good days." I hum. The days I was unaware that those feelings I felt for you then would only get stronger and stronger and have to be contained for longer and longer.

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