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Nazanin "Naz" Ryan Broadmore.

Since I was in high school, I never saw myself as the type to fall in love. My friends all had boyfriends that they completely adored, but me, I just couldn't seem to keep a guy for too long.

Maybe that's a bad way to put it; let's say I couldn't hold interest in one person for too long. It's not like I didn't try, though.

Of course I've dated guys and what not, but honestly, I never loved any of them.

My first relationship didn't come in high school like it did for the rest of my friends. I've always been interested in boys, but I just didn't feel the need to give one person so much of my attention at such a young age.

I saw my friends get their heart shattered and even fall into deep depression over guys and that's something I did not have time for. I had never boy crazy like the girls I hung out with. I didn't actually get into a real relationship until I graduated and even then those didn't go very far.

There was Marcus: we dated for about 3 months. He was extremely clingy and wanted to know my each and every move. Where I was at, where i was going, when I would be home, who I was with. He felt that we need to talk every second of every day. I didn't like that. I needed time to myself for my own inner peace and sanity. Plus, I'm 23 years old so I don't need someone on my ass like they're my father. Shit, my own father wasn't even like that. Clearly, that relationship didn't work out.

After Marcus was Brian. Brian was actually a cool dude and I thought we would last longer than we did. We dated for about 7 months until he became extremely aggressive. It wasn't even the good kind of aggressive, ya know? He would yell at me for the simplest things and some times he would handle me a little too rough for my liking. Of course, I ain't know weak ass bitch so I fought back. We were both fire signs, so I think that was a bad idea from the start. I actually liked him, sucks that he was clinically insane.

Ah, Darryl. Darryl and I seemed to be a good match. 1 year we dated. He was kind, caring and he gave me my space. It all seemed to be a dream come true because honestly, he was great. My friends loved him, my mom loved him and I- well, I liked him a lot. He was different from the other guys I dated because he was super laid back, like myself. He wasn't too controlling and he understood that I liked to be alone at times, not under him every second of the day. But, I guess I was a little too closed off because he seemed to start paying less attention to me and more attention to the girls in his phone. I must admit, though, he was a great liar. I was hurt for a day or two, but shortly got over it because life goes on. I have a life plan and I couldn't spend unnecessary time sulking over a boy. Yeah, a boy.

I moved on from Darryl and started dating NFL "superstar" Martavis Bryant. He was cool, I guess. I'm not really into the whole athlete/famous scene. I prefer more lowkey things but he was always in the limelight. We mostly had sex, didn't really do much talking. When we did talk it was small, really wasn't anything much to our conversations. Surprisingly, I grew bored with him. He bought me nice, expensive things and took me to a lot of parties and even with all those people around I still felt alone. That lasted for about 5 months.

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