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Ship: Harringrove

Summary: Steve can fight monsters, raise kids, and scoop icecream. Though, he sure as hell can't deal with Billy Hargrove flirting with him of all people

Total Words: 4126

Authors Notes: I've always wanted to do a oneshot. This will dance around season 3 for obvious reasons, however, I won't disregard everything introduced in the season. This is more of a drabble, I think? More of me messing around I guess.

Warning: Watch out for Billys potty mouth, and the use of homophobic terms.


A trail of giggles and whispers followed the two girls as they made a hasty exit from the ice cream parlor. Steve let his head go slack, as he bowed down in defeat.

He half listened to Robins mockery of his failed efforts as he mulled over the harsh truth, he had lost touch with his charm.

From what Steve could tell, his loss of charm coincided with when he had unwillingly forfeited his average highschool life. It all started the moment he stumbled across Nancy and Johnathan hunting for a creature whose face could open up like a carnivorous flower.

Of course that eventually led him down a spiral of, "redemption" which ultimately made him into the man he was today. According to the kids, he was, "less of a dickwad".

Sure, most people his age don't care for the opinions of small, nerdy, children. Of course standards start to lose meaning once out of dimensional beings are thrown into the mix. The little shits are way more capable than Steve is anyway. He'd be lying if he said he hasn't grown attached to them.

In the end that's just the cold, harsh truth. He ditched his status, just to babysit and bash in demodog skulls with a bat full of nails. Ditched everything just to protect a couple of kids who were too clever for their own good.

So what if he wanted to be a normal high schooler again, anyone else in his position would.

Most of all, he just wants to live life normally again. To not be afraid of dogs who growl a bit too loudly for his liking, or the dark corners of his room.

Yet alas, wishful thinking only gets people so far, and none of it can get him unstuck from scooping ice cream for bratty kids. All of this, punishment for his grades adding up to shit.

As far as coworkers go, Robin was alright, but the constant ridiculing isn't exactly charming or appealing.

The ding of the stupid bell distracted Steve from his spiral of thoughts.

He robotically forced out his customary greeting, wanting nothing more than for the day to end. "Welcome to scoops ahoy, may I interest you in our newest flavor? It'll take you on a journey of taste."

He froze as bright blue eyes met his.

It was Billy. Billy Fucking Hargrove. The same Billy who claimed Steves throne, and the same Billy that kicked Steves ass at the Byers house.

He opened and closed his mouth like a braindead fish, unable to find any words at the moment.

"What's wrong pretty boy? Have I stunned yah outta words?"

Steve gave him a quick look over. Hargrove smelled faintly of chlorine, while his clothes clung to his body, with noticable wet patches littered all over. Pool water dripped from his hair and ran down his shoulders. Steve steeled his gaze on Hargroves face to prevent himself from watching the droplets slide down.

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