Chapter 1: Mabel's Tiger

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"Dipper!" A voice shouted out from a room. "Dipper, have you seen my tiger? I can't find him anywhere!" The voice sounded distressed, followed by a sniffle. Out from the room, emerged a girl - probably about 17 years old. Her brown eyes turning red as tears bubbled up in them. Her rosy cheeks, rosier than ever. She appeared to be a lost child, in search of her mother. "D-Dipper," she began, "I'm s-seriously freaking o-out." She wiped a tear away. A boy, sitting against the wall, looked up at her, worry quickly engulfing his face. He quickly stood up and ran over to the girl, and threw his arms around her.

"Mabel, what's wrong?" He asked in a calming voice, "Are you okay? Did something happen?" His eyes looking into hers, awaiting an answer.

The girl merely leaned her head on his shoulder and let a few tears fall onto his shirt.

"M-My..." She began to stutter, "M-My..." Her throat burned, "My t-tiger... I-Is missing..." She finished.

The boy held back a laugh, and pulled away from his hug.

"Really? That's it, Mabel?" He smiled and patted his sister on the head. "I thought something serious happen-" he got cut off by Mabel's hand, slapping against his arm.

"This is serious!" She yelled, "How could this not be serious?" Her hands grabbed his shirt, "It's the most serious thing of all time!" She finished.

Dipper blinked and chuckled softly, pushing his twin sister away gently.

"It's just a stuffed tiger, Mabel. Besides, I'm sure you left it next to your backpack. Like you always do." He told her reassuringly. His warm smile made Mabel blush softly, causing her to look away, so her brother didn't see.

"Y-Yeah, probably..." She mumbled. "Hey, Dipping Sauce! Why don't you go look for him in my room, and I go get us some cookies and milk?" Her eyes met his.

The thought of being alone, in his sister's room made Dipper get butterflies in his stomach. He hardly ever went in there, let alone, by himself. He nodded in agreement and began to walk towards the door of Mabel's room, a little nervous as to what he would actually find in there. He opened the door and walked in. Mabel's room was covered in posters of boy bands, various baby animals, and lots of different colors. Stuffed animals decorated her bed, dresser and most of the furniture in their. Typical Mabel. Dipper smiled and jumped into the sea of fuzzy blankets and stuffed animals. Damn, this was wayyy more comfortable than Dipper's bed.

After a while, Dipper drifted off into a very light sleep. He was snuggled up to a stuffed puppy, when Mabel came back. She walked in rather quietly, and closed the door behind her just as silent. Her hands didn't have the stuff she had promised, but instead held onto the waistband of her skirt. She began pulling it down, and pulled off her sweater. Breathing quickly, and nervously, she jumped onto of Dipper. Pretty much not wearing clothes. Dipper screamed, but Mabel covered his mouth with her hand and hushed him, "Dipper, this will be really quick. And you'll like this." She finished with an over exaggerated wink, and then she moved her hand and planted a kiss on the shocked Dipper's lips.

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