Date 9

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Suzi had met vain people before. Many, in fact. 

But Todd took the cake. From the moment she got into his car he hadn't stopped talking about himself.

When they sat down at the table he had reserved for them he barely even took a breath. Then the waiter had come to take their orders, Todd--who had clearly been here before--went ahead and made the executive decision to order for Suzi as well. It seemed that he just wanted to keep every moment of the night focused on what was most important. Him.

She eyed him across the table, over a glass of red wine. It was the only thing making this date bearable but that was bound to run soon enough. If only he could have turned out to be a mute then maybe this night could really have gone places. He had looks to spare. A shame to have them wasted on someone with such a terrible personality.

Too bad this guy can't just date himself, she thought to herself.

Todd appeared completely oblivious to her growing disinterest. He just continued to talk about his prestigious job at some big bank she hadn't cared to remember. There was no way that she was going to make it through this date with her sanity in tact.

Suzi needed to make a quick getaway. Let Amy be upset about it later. Another minute--no, another second with Todd was going to have her contemplating murder. Looking around the room, she spied an exit sign near the restrooms. Her golden ticket to freedom and a night of binge watching Queer Eye on Netflix.

"Tad," she interrupted him.

He quieted for the first time in the night, blinking slow. "It's Todd."

"Right, sorry." She gave him a sheepish grin. Oh, she knew what his name was but it gave her satisfaction knocking his confidence a bit. "I need to use the ladies."

He cleared his throat, and tossed a tight lipped smile her direction. "I was just getting to best part of my story."

"I won't be long," she lied expertly. A part of her hoped that he sat there all night waiting for her to return. It would serve him well.

She grabbed her clutch and stood up, doing her best to ignore that way his eyes slithered over her body in approval. She was beginning to regret her wardrobe choices. It had been Amy's idea that she wear this particular dress, even though it was definitely two sizes too small.

The red makes your eyes pop, Amy had said. Something was definitely going to pop alright, but Suzi was more concerned it was going to be a seam. She soothed a hand down across her waist, before turning away and weaving her way through the cluster of tables and waiting staff that milled about.

The glow of the exit sign called to her. Twenty more feet and this dreaded date would be at an end. Suzi paused and looked over her shoulder, for a moment there was a twinge of guilt over what she was about to do. This would be a first for her. However, the moment passed quickly though when she noticed Todd was staring at himself in the mirror on the wall next to their table. With a roll of her eyes she turned and walked toward the exit.

The door did not open when she pushed against the pressure sensitive bar. Maybe it was locked. With a grimace Suzi put more backbone into her next go at it, but it remained ungiving. There was no way that she could go back to that table, back to Todd. Over her dead body.

Suzi pushed harder against the door and it swung open faster than she was prepared for. A small yelp of surprise escaped her mouth as she fell forward, dropping her purse and smashing her face into something rather hard. Pain shot through her and stars winked in her vision.

Stupid wall. "Son of a--"

"Damn, you have a hard head." Hands gripped her shoulders.

So not a wall, but a person.

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