A Celebration

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        "Come in," Derpy said.

        The Doctor and Black Mist entered the house. They then made their way to the dinning room.

        "So," the Doctor started. "It turns out, I can't really leave Equestria."

        "Oh," Derpy said.

        The Doctor noticed she looked embarrassed, but he didn't know why. Then, he remembered how she had kissed him on the cheek before he had tried to leave. The Doctor blushed a little, but he continued. "I was wondering if I could stay here, again," he said.


        "Well," said Mist. "You better get a good night sleep. There's a celebration tomorrow, and you are coming. I have an extra ticket because Princess Celestia sent me three, Fluttershy got one from a friend,  and I gave one to Derpy."

        "I thought you didn't know the princess," the Doctor said.

        "I don't," Mist replied. "But, apparently, she's heard of me, and she's interested in the fact that there is an Alicorn in Ponyville that she didn't know about. She found out about me from Twilight."

        "Oh yes, the unicorn. So, what is this celebration exactly?"

        "I'm not really sure exactly. It's called the Grand Galloping Gala. I think it has something to do with the construction of Canterlot."

        "What's 'Canterlot'?"

        "It's basically the capital of Equestria."

        "I see."

        "I've got to go. See you tomorrow, then."

        "See ya."

        "Bye, Mist," Derpy said.

        Then, Mist left.

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