Part one

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Nes wasn't strong, but he was fast. At least faster than the three Bluenose out for his blood.

His day started fine. This day had been in the making since three, feverish, most anticipated weeks. Nes had prepared to climb and retrieve treasure every day. When rumours started about a merchant returning from Sinderia, the old empire, bringing with him great, expensive items. Nes had made sure he would be the first to raid it.

Of course, he had to take care of fellow connoisseurs of things not belonging to them. And the damned business had taken all these weeks!

But today, finally today, he stole into the mansion, climbed his way through several guards with pointy things and traps of various varieties, including Alchemae.

The Bluenose had no business being here, of course. They were the garden-variety type of connoisseurs. Except, they were here.  And they brought lots of friends, and very deadly pointy things for a thing he did a year ago.

"Yer dead, boy!" One of the Bluenose shouted behind him.

Nes spared the man no mind as he vaulted over a small fence. He looked up, saw an open window and started climbing. In a few seconds, he was through the room of an old sleeping woman and out the house from another open window.

Slowing a second, he heard shouts of frustration from his pursuers, so he allowed himself a grin. They'd have to get men or women that could fly to catch him, since they had no chance mundanely.

The grin fell away.

He had gotten an empty pocket and a deadly chase for all his preparation. The bastards had laid a trap, knowing somehow he'd turn up to steal from the mansion, the exact day, the exact time even.

Unbelievable. Sorcerous even, if they had existed.

Of course, Nes wasn't one for revenge, but neither would he state it otherwise. Best to let Ol' Bhauting stew a while for betraying Nes. His fence turned out to be a rotten, old bastard.

A few streets later, and the chase was over. He'd led the bastards through streets like headless chickens.

He would need to stay low for a while, in his safe house, or perhaps even leave the city.

Nes wouldn't leave it though; however bad it got here, it was home. And you never leave home. You steal from it occasionally. Swindle a few family members, but you never abandon them.

Skirting through the empty streets, he saw the pale sky and knew dawn was on the doorsteps.

His stomach twisted in hunger, and he was thirsty. Running was no mean task.

Usually a bakery would be opened at near midnight, but no later, and to go to an inn or tavern would cost, but that was no problem. Paying hadn't been a problem for a long time.

He loitered behind the bakery closer to his safehouse, and managed to pick the backdoor lock.

It was dark inside, but he managed to light a candle, and started selecting a handful of pastries, pies, and fruitcakes. The handful turned to an armful, and before long, he was stuffing them into his pockets.

Taking a little bit never hurt. Probably the baker made more than triple coins in everything he sold. Probably.

The safehouse wasn't far from the bakery, a street over.

Normally, if the need ever arose to spend some time in the place, he would go over the rooftops and through the roof access. Today he was laden...with a sweet burden though.

Nes managed to get to his own street without slipping in the muck or stepping into the muddy puddles filled with horse manure and piss.

The street was quiet, the heat in the air oppressing. Winter never felt so far away.

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