Prologue - A Flowering Beginning

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A girl with light brown, almost rose gold, hair stepped out of her room. A small sigh escaped as she mentally started preparing herself to face the day. Footsteps caused floorboards to creak as she walked through her small house and down the stairs, which led to the staff room of her parents flower shop. She walked towards the exit, saying good mornings and hellos to her family members working in the establishment.

Adriella was a 14 year old girl, belonging to the Rose family. The Roses are a family who have been tending to flowers and gardens for many generations, and were just lucky enough to be blessed with flora related quirks to aid them in their interests.

Adriella's mom had a nature manipulation quirk, which allowed her to control the nature around her. With this quirk that has been passed down through the family bloodline for ages, she could cause pre-existing flora and nature to move and do as she pleased.

Her father, who came from another family with a very different background, had a quirk jokingly referred to as "Fertilizer". His quirk allows him to cause flowers and other forms of nature to grow around him. It took a lot of work when he was a child, but he's discovered that once he has learned the meaning of a flower, he could cause that flower to grow.

Adriella was lucky enough to get both of these quirks together as her own. When her quirk came to be, her family was rejoiced that she could carry on the Rose family tradition of caring for the shop.

However, Adriella wasn't the type to simply sit around and tend to flowers. She wanted to be a hero. And that was what she was setting out to do. With only a week till UA entrance exams coming up, she had a lot of work ahead of her to get ready for whatever trials she may face.

As she stepped out of the building, she smiled upon feeling a cool breeze that slightly brushed her wavy locks to the side. Today was the perfect temperature, a tad warm with the breeze making it calm and relaxing. She unchained her bike from the rack and put the lock in her woven basket for later, mentally routing the most convenient way to get to the city's flower garden so she could work on her quirk powers.

Flower names and characteristics flowed through her head as she biked down the many busy roads, headed to what she referred to as her sanctuary.

♪---Authors Note---♪

I apologize for the lack of writing in this first chapter. In all honesty, this started as a roleplay starter that I put a bit too much writing into;;

I still don't have a lot of the story ironed out, but I wanted to at least get the first part out here! I'd greatly appreciate being sent constructive criticism and ideas on tumblr (@theshatteredecho).

♪--Word Count--♪
428 (excluding the notes)

♪—-Update Plan-—♪

I will try to upload one chapter every 24 hours until chapter 5. After which, I will lengthen the amount of time between posts to give myself more time to make sure the updates and contents are the best they can be!

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