Lovely Ends [Rin Okumura x reader oneshot]

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(A/N: Okay so this is my first fanfiction (yay) Let me know how it is!)


The sky was blue, or was it? Nothing was the same after Rin Okumura became your boyfriend. What was it like? Sweet, stupid love, and nothing the same.

It had only been a month, but it felt like a year. You had just started at True Cross Academy, studying especially hard at cram school to become an exorcist after realizing that those silly hallucinations you had as a kid were in fact the demons which you despised. Your parents both had been killed by demons, now that you realized what they were. The were hiding this part of themselves to protect you from the fearful truth. A brutal death it was, and you just recently learned that they were both exorcists who killed demons. And now it was your goal to hunt them down - especially Satan.

But that had all changed now.

You never believed that a demon could ever be even the sligtest bit decent. There was no way ever that you would ever come to like demons at all, not after that.

But Rin - when you met Rin, everything changed. First, you met him at cram school - just an ordinary, foolish boy becoming an exorcist. He was rambunctious, flamboyant, but you couldn't help but wondered that he was someone different.

You figured out his dark secret while watching him single-handedly defeat a demon behind the school at night. Soft, curly tail, pointy ears, sharp teeth, vibrant blue flames and all, you were afraid at first. You had had a crush on him since the day you first met him at cram school. It was like love at first sight. But you could never had said anything - you came here to focus on your goal.

But when Rin saw you after you saw him, at first, all you could see were tears, tears of Rin not wanting you to know his true self, not wanting you to know he was the son of Satan, not wanting you to hate him. He said that he wanted to destroy Satan. He wanted to kill the one who had killed his father, his old man. On that day, you looked at him, and then pulled him into a deep hug, holding him tight. There was just something about him that you couldn't describe - and you couldn't help but feel love. That was the day that you changed your view on demons. Rin could never be evil, he could never be like Satan, and you forbid yourself from ever thinking that way.


"Now don't forget that there has been a temporary hole in the anti-demon barrier, so be extra careful heading around for the time being."

The bell rang as Yukio Okumura, Rin's twin brother and teacher at True Cross Academy cram school, finished his sentence.

"Remember to study extra hard for tomorrow's test. It'll be worth much of your grade."

Heading outside, you begin to become anxious about the test. There was no way that you could even get a B on it, considering you were too busy doodling in class. You were glad that you and Rin had decided to study together for the upcoming test.

"Yo ________!"

You turn around to see Rin running towards you, smile on his face, from a distance.

"Hey Rin, you ready?" you asked him eagerly. You've been hoping that this would be the day you two would be alone...and the day you would get your first kiss. Rin gives you a big hug and blushes.

"Uh...yeah, just give a minute. I forgot something important in the class." He runs back into class hurryingly. You wonder what he could have forgotten that he needed to get.

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