Chapter 1

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This story takes place years after the events of Gravity Falls, therefore I recommend you watch the series before reading this if you haven't already, as some things won't make sense otherwise.

Also, this story may get very dark, and will contain MxM content (aka smut) in later chapter, some of which will be NON-CONSENSUAL.

Proceed with caution, you have been warned. If you still want to read, enjoy!

(I'll put some warnings at the start of each chapter)


No matter how much Dipper tossed and turned, he couldn't fall asleep. The feeling of being watched became stronger as time progressed, and he wished he'd asked Mabel to stay one more night.

But, he reluctantly admitted that he couldn't keep begging his sister to stay just because he was paranoid. He was 18 now, a fully grown adult. Him and his sister were close, but not as close as they had been when they were younger.

Mabel outgrew the 'Mystery Twins', believing everything that had happened that fateful Summer in Gravity Falls to be the product of her childish, overactive imagination.

Grunkle Ford had passed away a few years prior, and Grunkle Stan didn't see the need to back Dipper up, saying it was for the best that Mabel had chalked up the supernatural events to her imagination.

It made Dipper feel painfully alone and vulnerable. He had grown so used to sharing everything with Mabel. Every hope, every dream, every fear. It made the growing distance between them even more unbearable.

Dipper hated himself for it. It was mostly his fault, too. Couldn't he do anything right?! He'd almost doomed Gravity Falls, and now he was pushing his sister away.

She'd begged him to seek help, thinking he had some form of mental illness. That he was acting crazy, obsessive. She'd pleaded for him to let all his wild fantasies go.

But, Dipper knew it was all too real. He couldn't understand how Mabel believed their shared adventures to be imaginary! It pained him more than anything, that this was something he couldn't share with her anymore.

As the feeling of being watched grew more intense, he remembered when it had all started.

He'd come back to Gravity Falls with Mabel to celebrate their shared nineteenth birthdays together with their Grunkle and some of the towns folk.

Neither of them had experienced anything out of the ordinary since coming back to the town on any of their previous visits, and things had carried on as if Weirdmageddon hadn't even happened. Dipper liked the normality.

Or, so he thought at first. He soon grew bored though, missing the mysteries the town used to hold, missing the adventures he used to share with his sister. He just wanted to go on one last adventure.

After their party, Mabel was thoroughly drunk, flirting (extremely badly) with any boy who would give her the time of day. Sighing at his sisters' antics, he decided to take a walk.

"Hey Grunkle Stan, can you keep an eye on Mabel? I need some air" he asked his slightly tipsy Grunkle.

"Sure, kid. Don't go too far, never know what's lurking around here in the dark" He replied half-heartedly, turning his attention back to the ladies who had gathered around him.

Rolling his eyes, Dipper shoved his hands in his pockets as he headed outside, walking towards the woods that held many fond memories for him. Mabel would be fine, he just needed to get away for a while.

It was pretty dark outside, but luckily he had his flashlight handy. He felt safe in these woods, they felt like home. Much more than the stupid flat he was renting about an hour from Gravity Falls.

He hated living in the city, but it was Mabel's dream. She rented the flat opposite his, so they'd be independent but there for each other if needed. After all, it wouldn't be good for either of them if they were totally dependent on each other forever.

Dipper took the arrangement much harder than Mabel. She was willing to branch out and take all the opportunities that came her way, whilst he pined for the cosy shack back in the small town, wanting nothing more than to be back there, following in Grunkle Ford's footsteps.

But, he'd promised Mabel he'd try and move on. She had convinced him that it wasn't healthy to 'sit in a lab all day recording stuff', that he needed a stable career. That he'd adapt to city life soon enough.

He never did. He found the mundane, monotonous life soul-destroying.

Soon, he realised he was living his sister's dream, not his. This isn't what he wanted. But, he remained where he was, for his sister's sake.

Maybe when she found a boy she really liked and started to settle down, he'd follow his own dreams. He just needed to make sure she was living a happy life before doing so.

As he was walking through the woods, he noticed something through the trees. Squinting at it, he noted that it looked like a gravestone. But who's grave would be all the way out here?

Cautiously, he advanced towards it. He could have sworn it wasn't there before, but then again he hadn't been to this part of the woods in quite some time.

Since he was 13, actually...

As he grew closer, what he had originally thought was a gravestone began to take shape. It looked that a pyramid, had an oval in the middle, an engraved sideways hourglass shape...

It looked exactly like Bill Cipher, in his three dimensional form. It looked like it had been out in the woods for a while, the stone slightly weathered, with ivy growing over its surface.

Dipper chuckled. Trust Grunkle Stan to have such poor taste in jokes. He must have left it out here for Dipper to find, maybe even to scare him. But he wasn't scared of Bill, not anymore.

The statue of Bill had one arm outstretched, as if offering to make a deal.

"Let's make a deal for the price of my soul" Dipper mocked, trying mimic Bill's voice as he grabbed the hand.

Chuckling to himself, he muttered "One last adventure, eh Bill?"

Sighing softly, he let go of the statue's hand.

"Ha, as if. I'm not dumb enough to make a deal with you again, even if you were really still alive" he muttered, instantly feeling dumb for talking to himself.

As he turned and began to walk away, he felt a shudder run down the length of his spine, as the sudden feeling of being watched overtook him.

He slowly turned took at Bill's statue...

But it was gone.

That's when he started running.

Thank you for reading the first part of my new story! It's been a while since I've written anything, it's good to be back! (Gravity Falls, it is good to be back! ;) )

Feedback is appreciated, I'll figure out a posting schedule eventually, but as of right now I'll write when I'm feeling inspired rather than trying to force it ^^

Also, this story is written and edited by me, so I made have made grammar/general mistakes that have slipped through my proof reading, sorry!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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