Catch Me If You Can

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I really hope people like this story! I've wrok so very hard on it and I hope that you guys will help me out with I'm kinda brain dead. My name is Keronesha but I go by Missy. I'm 14 and I love to read, sleep, eat pizza and skateboard. Again I hope that you like that story and you would like and comment.  2 likes and 5 comments and I'll upload the next chapter.


Stupid. Ugly. Fat. Loser. And slut. Those are just a few things I've been called this year. This is suppose to be the best years of my life, but it looks like its gonna be filled with with a lot of pain and tears. I stare out the window of Mrs.Duncan's class, wondering what its like to be free and not caged. Free to do and say what ever you want.

"Sean...Sean, can you please answer the question for me please?" I look at the board. What was the name of the trade route that ran though Asia? I was about to open my mouth to answr when someone yells out. 

"Mrs.Duncan, you know she's stupid, right? Why would you give her that question? I felt a ping of pain in my chest. "Mr.Ford, keep your mouth shut or get out." He luaghs and turns his attention back to group of friends. "Now Sean, please continue. I open my month and answer. "It was claaed the Silk road. People from China would come through and sell their silk. Anyone caught thrying to sell or give away the secret of how the silk was made, they would have been killed." I finish and the teacher thatnks me for informing them.

"Wow Sean, that was good, but your'e still a fucking idiot!" The whole class breaks out into laughter. I start to feel tear prick my eyes and I put my head down, not wanting them to know I'm about to cry. "That's the last straw, you now Justin!" I could feel my tear strating to over flow. Why does it have to be him? Why is he always the one pushing or tripping me? "He doesn't have to leave, I'll go it seem like I'm the only one causeing problems anyway, so I'll leave." As I'm leaving she tells me to go down to the office.

I walk into Mr.Swift's office and take a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. Ah yes, Mr.Swift, Every middle aged woman's dream. Tall, dark and handsome. No one could ever resist him. "Okay Sean, really? This is your fifth time in my office this month. What is going on? I could feel his gaze on me but I kept my head down, not wanting to tell him. "Come on Sean you're gonna have to sooner or later. And he was right, I should tell someone about it, but I just don't know how to put it. "Ever since the begining of the year I have been pushed, tripped, punched and picked on. And the thing that kills the most is that I don't even know why." I start to feel my chest swell and my eyes fill with tears.

He sighs and run his hand down his face trying to choose his words wisely. "Sean, I want you to listen to me, okay? Those kids are no where as smart as you are, I've seen your grades and their amazing, so if they wanna be little assholes and do that, fine, but next time come and get me. I will not have bullying at this school." By the time he was finished I was drowning in pity. I fell like a piece of shit. "What's your parent's number?" I wipe the tear from my face and hold my head up to speak. "I don't live with my parents."

"Then who do you live with." He begins to look through his computer. "It says here you live with your grandmother, is that true?" I nop my head to answer. "Okay" He get the number and dails it into the keypad or numberpad, whatever you wanna call it. "Hello, this is Mr. Swift from Phantomhive High. I'm in my office with Sean, is this her grandmother?" He pauses and wait for the person to respond, I see his face harden then soften with sorrow. "Oh, I'm so sorry, would you like to speak to her?" He hands me the phone and I slowly put it up to my ear. "Hello? Grandma?" The person on the other side of the phone begin to talk but its not my grandmother.

"No sweetheart, Grandma Annie is gone, she died just an hour ago." And then it happens. My whole world stop and my heart drops. I don't even think I could cry at this moment, it wouldn't matter anyway. "Listen, I need you to be strong, No one in the family will be able to take care of you so you have to go to an orphanage. I'm so sorry sweetheart, you know if I could I would, but I can't. I 'll be there in a little wihile to pick you up." And like that she hangs up the phone. 

"Sean, I'm so sorry for your lose."  I shake my head. "Please Mr.Swift, I don't need your pity right now." I just want to be along now and forever, I never want to see daylight again. I sit down and put my head in my palms, but then a pair of arms rap around me, making me fell better. "What did she say?" I look up and see Mr.Swift knelt down beside me. "She said that I have to go to an orphanage, and that I have to hope that someone adopts me."  He looks up at me with soft gray eyes. "It'll be okay, I promise, it may seem hard now, but it'll be okay." 

"You shouldn't be making promises you can't keep, you can end up hurting someone badly." I grab my backpack and head for the door. "You think I can't keep a promise?" He looks at me with a smile nd puts his elbow on the table. "You're human, I'm human, we're human. If we can't hold water then how are we suppose to hold our promises?" He stays silence for a minutes thinking about his words and then speaks. "I'm going to adopt you." He's going to do what? I can not believe it. Mr.Swift adopting me? I was about to open my mouth when some one walks in 

"Excuse me Mr.Swift, someone is here to see Sean Walker," I look to see one of the office assistance and my one and only best friend Arnold.  "Send them in." My aunt walks in and take a seat next to me. "I'll get straight to the point, Sean told me about everything that happened and I'd like to adopt her if you don't mind." I saw my Aunt's face brighten with happiness "Are you sure this is what you want? She can be a hand full sometime." Mr.Swft chuckles and nods his head. "Yes ma'am I will and matter of fact, I will like to take her home with me today." I really hope this will lead me to my happy ending.

"If that's what you want, I'll drop the paperswork off tomorrow." She stand and gives me one last hugs before she leaves. I turn to Mr.Swift giving him a huge smile. "Oh yeah, what about all my clothes and other things?" He flips through his phone at his schedule "I'll have sometime after work, we'll get them then." I'm so excited for some strange reason. I really hope he's not a pedophile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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