My Journey To The Television.

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My Journey To The Television. 

One early morning I woke up balled in my cover with my pillow hanging half way off the bed. I could hear the sound of the television through my mattress and I was tempted to see what was on. I started to roll off of my bed while still in my cover I couldn’t see anything. Suddenly I felt a thump on my right arm telling me that I had hit the floor so I peeked out of a small hole in my cover while still rolling.

Seeing my brother’s bed I tried to wiggle so I could turn unfortunately I hit the bottom leg of the bed with my foot. The bed started to move so I rolled under it and held my breath trying to stay hidden. Soon I started to think to myself *what am I doing?* Of course nothing came to mind I was just being goofy.

Seeing my brother’s beige cover I started to make snickering noises. Then almost five minutes after I rolled under the bed I rolled from under the bed still trying to make it out of the door. Finally I made it to the door but I was still rolling. I started bending my arms so I could stop. While trying to make the correct position curling into a ball I accidentally rolled through the door making it into the hallway.

While rolling down the hall I stopped at my sisters door wondering if she was awake because if she wasn’t she was about to be. A huge smirk over took my face as I kicked her door and rolled down the hall. On my way to the stairs something weird happened I couldn’t stop rolling. Sweet lady Karma had caught up to me quick. Again I tried bending my arms to stop.

It kind of worked I stopped at the edge of the first top step. I tried to roll the opposite way so I could sit up but of course it didn’t work. I slipped and started to roll down the stairs feeling thumps and bumps on my back. After the joy ride was done I stood up felling sore. I laughed my but off looking around the first floor hallway.

I felt scared to roll down this hall specifically because we had a pet tarantula in the hall. I didn’t want to mess up anything in the hallway. I wrapped my cover around my shoulders and felt like the batman putting on his cape. I giggled and started slumping towards the door.

I knew the handle to the living room door was cold so I put part of the cover in my hand and twisted the knob. I wasn’t surprised to see what was on it was KidsWB so that means it was at least 5am. I watched until KidsWB went off and WB 11 came on. In the end I had a great time I even got to watch the old school Batman. I also forgot that it was Wednesday so I missed a day of school. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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