Okaeri, La Famiglia

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Tsunayoshi Sawada stirred awake by the excessive and obnoxious knocking from the mansion's front door. His lover, Ieyasu Taru-Sawada, or Giotto, also stirred and mumbled something incoherent. Tsuna combed his fingers through his husband's spiky blonde hair to put him back to rest.

Once that was accomplished, Tsuna got up and strode to the door. He peeked out the peephole, only to find nothing there. He questioned whether it was some kind of doorbell prank until he realized that the Vongola mansion was heavily secured to prevent mischievous children from doing such things.

He opened the door and looked around. No one was there. He was about to close the door when he heard soft whimpering. He looked down and widened his eyes once he found out that the noise was created by a baby.

Not just one, but two babies. The one with short black hair whimpered again. Tsuna quickly picked up the basket that held the two babies and closed the door behind him. He walked into the kitchen and set the basket upon the table.

The blonde baby crunched his eyes and let out whimpering noises like his ― most likely― brother. Tsuna softly rubbed their cold cheeks with his warm hand and they instantly quiet down.

 "It's alright, little ones. No one will hurt you." he softly spoke. The babies opened their ocean blue (the blonde) and steel blue-gray (the raven) eyes to stare at the mysterious person that had such an alluring voice.

Tsuna carefully picked them both up and settled them into his arms. He rocked back and forth while humming a sweet lullaby. The two children's eyes drooped before fully closing. Tsuna smiled softly and trudged back to his room. There, his lover had sat up while rubbing his still hazy blue eyes.

 "Tsuna? Who was at the door?" he yawned. Tsuna sat at the edge of the bed.

 "Someone left these two infants at our doorstep." he showed the blonde the slumbering babies. Giotto's eyes widened as Tsuna's did when he first saw the children.

 "Who are they?" he carefully took the light-blonde baby into his arms and shifted the blanket on the tiny body to get him warmer.

 "Well, on the tag on this one's blanket says: "Kyouya. Born May 5 at 2:18 p.m." Kyouya's been born only a few days ago. What about that one?" Tsuna questioned. Giotto lifted up a tag that was next to the small blonde's head.

 "Hmm. It says: "Alaude. Born May 5 at 2:13p.m." Seems like these two are twins. What should we do with them, Tsu-koi?" he asked as the little child snuggled closer to his chest. Tsuna held up a hand, and the youngest twin instinctively wrapped one of his small hands around one of the larger fingers and smiled softly. Tsuna in turn smiled down at him.

 "We're going to raise them as our own. Besides, if the person who gave us these two infants are so skilled as to avoid all the traps around the mansion, then we won't send these two to the orphanage if it's their parent's' wish." he concluded. Giotto smiled and leaned over to his spouse to get a chaste kiss.

 "I agree fully, amour." he whispered.

Tsuna and Giotto gently laid the children on the bed in the middle before lying down and blanketing them with as much warmth and comfort they could give.


It was so cold. They couldn't get warm despite the cloth that they were covered in.

When will we get home? they thought.

They heard something creek and felt frightened. The black-haired one made a noise of fear and worry. The two was soon in the air and carried to some place after the mysterious sound before made a soft click.

After being carried to someplace and put down, the blonde-haired child began whimpering like his other half.

Before they could start crying, something warm touched their face. It was so nice that they had quiet down immediately.

A soft voice talked to them, and they opened their yes. They saw some sort of shadow right above them. It wasn't scary since the comforting voice came from it.

They suddenly found themselves in the shadow's arms and rocked them back and forth. The soft sound was beautiful and they fell asleep. Maybe being with this person won't be so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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