Pirate AU

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Rk900/Colin- enemy ships captain
Gavin- targeted kingdoms prince

Colin's POV

We have just attacked Zista Empire successfully, taken quite some loot with us as well with victory. I never knew a kingdoms only defences could be a few canons and half a village worth of soldiers, it was almost too easy to take those suckers down with a whole ship full of pirates, our next destination is Tuigon Dynasty. Tuigon is still recovering from another attack which happened a little while back with another ship, the attackers were almost successful until the Tuigons prince shot the attackers captain down with a single poison arrow, I haven't even heard the king there has a son, I guess we can take him in as hostage and maybe get even more wealth.

Im sitting in my cabinet behind my desk, planning on how we will attack, some parts of the kingdom have no guards or less of them. It took we a little while to make up a plan until I finally got it done, I went to the ships front deck and called everyone to come there as well so we could adress the plan. It all went smooth and of course everyone was ok with the plan because I am the captain of course but one of the crew members suddenly asked

"What about the prince? Will you not worry about him?"

"I do no need to worry about a kid who probably just hit puberty" I smirked and the ship laughed at my response, it was late so I called out that it was time to go rest because we have a big day tomorrow.

(Timeskip to tomorrow because I'm not creative enough  .w.)

We woke up early as usual and got ready, I was warming up and swinging some shots with my sword to a dummy until a crew member came in and announced that we were there soon.

Gavins POV

I was awoken by some sirens what echoed across the kingdom, it was the attack sirens. I rushed out of bed, got dressed and grabbed my bow n arrows then rushed downstairs to see my dad and mother rush around

"Go to your room Gavin, it's not safe outside!" My mother yelled

"I can fight! Let me prove myself!" I yelled back

"Go to your room now Gavin! This is no time to argue! " My father yelled, I had no other choice to go back and lock my door. I hardly ever fought because my father called me too feminine and weak, even though I killed that other captain he still doesn't trust me. I saw a ship arrive at the docks and start blasting canons and it was quite loud, I tried to shoot one of the pirates on the ship but it was too short, they saw me and I immediately ducked down and for a while I felt terrified, they had more armory, weapons and men. I saw the captain of the ship and he was quite hot, wait what am I saying, im not gay! I never was gay and never will be! Im just bluffing because of stress.

I heard them break the gates and doors down and rush around, I heard yelling and sword clinging and after a little bit I hears heavy steps cone upstairs where my and parents room was, I grabbed a knife and hid in my closet. I heard my mother yell and then after awhile it went silent, I slowly got out and opened my door to peek out a little, I saw the attackers holding my parents hostage and threatening them in the dining area. I got my bow and slowly snuck out trying to be as silent as I could, I saw the captain again and when I saw him closer he looked way hotter, WAIT NO I CAN'T SAY THIS IM NOT GAY...hopefully....

I put the arrow to the bow and steadied myself so it would hit the captain, one of the other pirates saw me and yelled for the captain to move and when I heard him yell I jumped and shot, it hit another pirate and the others started to run towards me and I bolted to my room, locked it and put my dressed in front of it, I don't want to die. They started banging on the door and I looked around for some kind of weapon or way to escape, I look at the window and look down, it was too high. They finally broke down the door and barged in, I screamed like a little girl because I was so terrified, they grabbed me and dragged me out, I tried to fight back but I was too weak.

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