~Chloes POV~

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I am depressed. Me and Lucifer have been together for half a year, I haven't told him I'm depressed. I have wanted to tell him for sometime now, but could never get it out no matter how hard I tried. It got to the point where I decided to just give up on trying to tell him. There was just no point, it was never gonna come out anyways. I will say tho I'm impressed, I have scares on y wrist from where I used to cut. I'm impressed because lucifer has never noticed. And if he did he would have did something about it to me and he hasn't. You would've expected him to notice, you know speaking he's the devil and my boyfriend but nope he hasn't noticed a thing. Not that I want him to but it would make telling him easier. But I haven't cut since I met lucifer 2 years ago! That is until a little accident happened, and I'm here to tell you all about it!

                      ~narrator POV~

     It was a regular morning in LA the sun was shining down on the bed Chloe and lucifer shared. Chloe rolled on her left side to see Lucifer sleeping on his stomach slightly snoring (who know the devil snores?) Chloe thought. She couldn't help but smile. She moved closer to him and put her head on his left shoulder blade next to his scares. She carefully put her index finger on the edge of his left scare and she lightly touched it trying not to wake him.
"What are you doing back there?" Lucifer asked sleepy.
She couldn't help but smile. She got off her back and now they were face to face. He was so cute like this, hair curly no product no makeup just fresh and original.
"Good morning me.devil." Chloe said smiling.
Lucifer started smiling (she looked so beautiful like this) lucifer thought.
"Good morning my queen."
They shared a brief kiss before Chloe pulled back laughing.
"What is it love?" Lucifer asked.
Chloe shook her head slightly before replying.
"Just thinking."
Lucifer had his devilish, sexy smirk on his face that tells Chloe he has a very naughty idea. He slowly moved on top of her putting his weight on his fore arms.
"What are you thinking about darling?" He asked in her neck kissing her sweet spot below her ear.
"You." She replied.
"What about me?"
"How happy you make me." She said kissing him.
Lucifer kissed her back making her breathless.
"I need to take a shower I don't wake up devilishly handsome." Lucifer whispered with a wink.
He got out of bed and walked to the bathroom door way in his black silk boxers before he turned around to look at Chloe with his smirk.
"You can join me love." He offered.
"I'll never get clean with you in there." She replied.
"Who said anything about getting clean?"
Chloe rolled her eyes.
"You dirty devil."
Lucifer laughed s he walked towards the bed to kiss her before going to shower.
"Go you stink." Chloe mumbled pushing him away both laughing.
                          ~Chloe's POV~

    Me and Lucifer were sitting in our penthouse living room on one of Lucifers brown Latin leather couch watching our favourite movie which in my opinion relates to us *beauty and the beast*. I still remember the first time me and lucifer watched this movie together on our one month anniversary (how long ago that was still feels like yesterday) when all Lucifer did was complain about the movie and now he bloody loves it! My phone started to ring in our bedroom but since it was my day off of work I decided to ignore it, they had Dan to help them out if they need it. Than it rung again. Again. And again. That's a hen Lucifer got annoyed.
"Darling can you please answer your phone?"
"Yeah, pause it please."
I got up and went to answer my phone when I noticed it wasn't anyone from the precinct but the hospital?
"Decker." I answered.
"Hello is this Chloe Decker?" Asked a female voice.
"I'm Dr.Noss and I have some news for you."
"I'm listening."
"Your mother is in the hospital and your her emergency contact. I'm afraid there has been an accident and I need you to come in."
It took me a while to digest what I had just head. My mother killed herself when I was 13 how was she in the hospital?
"Miss.Decker?" Asked Dr.Noss on the other end.
"I'm sorry did you say my mother?"
"Yes ma'am I did."
"That's impossible! My mother is dead!"
"Well clearly not if she's in the hospital Miss. just come in and I'll explain it all to you."
"I watched her put a bullet in her head!" I said more myself than the doctor.
"I see." Was all Dr.Noss said.
"I have to talk to my boyfriend can I call back?"
"Of course."
I hung up and went to Lucifer.

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