main character / myself

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On an early morning of November, as usual me and my identical twin got ready for school. Once we got to school Zoe more known as the most popular person in school invited us to a party.

   I was really looking forward to the end of the day which of course makes all the classes seem longer than they really are. Then the worst class of all, biology, the only thing that was good about biology is it is the last class of the day. And we finally heard the bell and left school.

   Then finnaly when me and my brother got ready for the party and left. Her house was only a bit from ours her house seemed too quiet on the outside. When we entered there was a snack table, music playing, a red tinted light that lit up the room, and there was a  disco ball with tiny squared mirrors all around it. There were only a few people there which was odd to us, but we just thought we where a couple of the earlier people to get there. Then only a few more people arrived which made a total of only 10 people altogether, just then I relized Zoe was't there. My thoughts were interupted when the light flicked and suddenly turned off there were screams and yells as it went out. I thought it was normal for that to happen, but then things started to get strange.

   After we got the light back on we started to investigate the house which I think is a stupid idea because everyone in the scary movies investigates and then dies. We all split up in two groups with five people in each, luckily my brother was with me.

   After a bit of investigating we when to a room that looked like a parents bedroom. The only thing unusual in the room was a locked chest. We tried to open it but it wasn't moving a bit. When finally we gave up everyone decided it was time to leave the mysterious party that didn't seem at all like a party. I reached for the door, it was locked.

   When everyone tried to convinced themselvels it was a joke we went up the stairs. We didn't split up this time and we went to every room to look around when there was only one room left it was midnight. We decided to look in the room and we didn't expect to see what we did Zoe was laying on her bed. She was cold as ice then the room door slamed closed. 

   I was suddenly awoken by my alarm clock and the sun in my face. The party had felt so real but it was only a dream. 

   Me and my brother got ready for school and when we got there Zoe invited us to a party.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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