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Honey walks through the long corridors of her new workplace. After the death of her father, her life did not necessarily go on without mistakes. The whole thing was a heavy blow for her because she was never allowed to get to know her mother becauseshe sacrificed her life for me during my birth. Honey has just passed graduation and besides she has been working in a bakery.

It gave her a lot of joy and also distracted her to help in the bakery and to cook the older ladies coffee at noon. But the work didn't bring enough money for her to continue to pay the bills for her family house. So she had to move into a small apartmentat the end of town. While Honey was clearing out her house, many of her father's documents, which had collected in large numbers on hisformer desk, were in her hands.

The girl had read some of them and noticed that she could apply for his former job. She had coincidentally seen the day before that the former position of my father was still advertised. The only problem was that she was too young. Honey had just turned eighteen and the job is only advertised from twenty-four. But she needs the money. So she faked her age at the move and lied a little bit. Like said before she just passed graduation but she has to say, that she was not too happy with herself.

Honey didn't have the best report of the year. Well, that's the past. Since she always had her mother's last name, at least that's the smallest problem. She gets the best resultin her application and got the job. All she has to do now is make sure she doesn't get caught. And here she is in one of the most famous companies in the world. Honey enters her small office, into which just a file cabinet and a desk fits.

She walks over to her desk and drop the files of mynew interns and her purse of there. A few things are rolling out of her bag but she doesn't care anymore. She is much too exhausted and urgently needs a cup of tea. Honey leaves everything behind and hurrys into the break room. Already during the way there she feels observed. Probably I am only imagining it, she thinks.

As William walks down the hallway, he discovers a young girl rushing into the break room. He has never seen her before, yet she looks very familiar to him. She is certainly one of his new employees. Her caramel brown hair is bundled in a messy bun. A few strands fall into her face, as she storms towards the break room. She is small but not too small, about 5 feet tall. Her cheeks have alight pink tone and her green eyes glitter in the sunlight under herbig round glasses.

He wonders who she is. Her face looks simply perfect, not too much make up just a pink lipgloss and some mascara. She wears a white blouse which is buttoned up. The blouse again is casually stuck in a long checkered skirt that reaches over her knees. A bow is also attached to the waistband of the skirt

The girl looks way too sweet and innocet to work here. He's frozen, he can't move. She magically draws his attention to herself. This is the first time William has never felt this way about a woman. No matter how fast she came and no matter how fast shedisappeared. You can only hear the click of a door that has just been closed, as this marvelous girl walks into the break room.

William was too curious to forget this moment. Hewalked down the hallway the girl had just come up. Dead silent surrounded him as he walked down the hall looking for his employee'sjob. Only the dull noise of his shoes on the marble floor can beheard. To the right and to the left there are high dark wooden doorsmade of oak which give the simple floor a nice touch.

At eye level on each door there was a sign showingthe name and a picture of the employee. This was his idea, causeWilliam did not know each of his employees by name. He looks at everydoor sign as he walks down the hall. He doesn't have to search longuntil he reaches the right door.

The shield shows the girl with her big round glasses.She smiles quite shyly however, you can see the sparkle in her olivegreen eyes. He takes the doorknob in his hand and turns it. To hissurprise, the door is not locked. She must have been in a real hurry.Without thinking big William pushes the door open and enters thesmall office.

The black writing table which stands in the middle ofthe really very small room and relatively tidy, except for a heap offiles and sheets thrown down, dominates clearly the room. Next to thedoor there is a classic filing cabinet. The walls are white as inevery room to make the room appear brighter at all times of the day. This was only further promoted by the large window front.

William continues into the room and suddenly steps onsomething soft. Quickly he mac a step back to find out what hestepped on. There on the floor shortly before the writing table liesa plain beige purse. William bends over and picks up the wallet. Heis stained out of fabric and embroidered with Winnie the Pooh eating honey. A little too childish for an adult, William thinks.

Slowly he opens the yellow purse and finds her ID. Helets his gaze run over the drawing face of his employee. Her name isHoney Sanders. She is eighteen years old.
Wait, she's only eighteen. How can that be? William thinks. After all, only adults arehired by his company. If this goes public, she can't work in hiscompany any longer. There's only one way. William has to confront Honey Sanders. Maybe there's something in it for him too.

Honey exhales with relief as she finally holds hercup of tea in her hand. Exhausted, she leans against the counter ofthe kitchen and closes her eyes for a moment. After about a minute she hears the door of the break room being opened. Honey immediately opens her eyes and sees Cole coming into the room. Cole always triesto hit on her but without success.

He walks right towards her and stops in front of her.A little too close, Honey thinks. Her size makes everybody biggerthan her. Cole tilts his head and strokes a strand behind her ear. He smiles seductively at her.

"I've always thought you're looking beautiful",says Cole.

That's too close, Honey thinks desperately. Cole putsan arm around her hip and pulls her closer to her so her bodiestouch. She drops her cup in fright. Luckily it doesn't break when ithits the ground, but the entire contents still pour out over theground.

"You clumsy little girl. Maybe we better go to my place. There we can be as loud as we want," says Cole with agloating grin.

"W..w..what," stutters Honey.

She didn't know herself why she has to stutter rightnow but she definitely doesn't want anything from Cole. Hopelesslyshe tries to push him away. Suddenly the door to the break room opens again and Mr. Peyton enters the room.

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