Random Short-Short Stories ^_^

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HELLO FELLOW HUMANS. im gonna do this for a bunch of really short mostly 1 page stories i write in my typing class :P thats right, im a badass. .-.

so yeah, OH AND IM WRITING A COMPLETEL NEW ONE DIRECTION STORY. i shall try to update a bunch. O_O

SO YUSH, ITS EXCITING *le fangirl scream*

So anywho, this chapter is starring my bestest friend on instagram role play {google it} Dominique Weasley {@nique_weasley_} its inspired by the song For The Love of a Daughter by Demi Lovato. :) and its in no way close to the way she actually is, just the first person i thought of :p

Also, very sorry for any spelling or punctuation mistakes. Enjoy this MADE UP story.

-JB AKA Riley


"Domibear,lets go skating c'mon it'll be fun!" Chrissa yelled in an attempt to get me to move.

No, im not moving. Not now not ever. Never. They called my family a joke. They teaseed me as humor. They knew about the drinking. How,i dont know, nor do i care to. My father is an amazing man, but he's gone threw a war. he still wakes up screaming in the middle of the night.

Imagine seeing your father crying and screaming about your dead uncle that you'll never know because deaths greedy hands took him much too young. Imagine him thinking you you know nothing about his night terrors.

Imagine being alone with your brother while your mother feebly yells at your father to calm down but shes crying too, because your older sister is at hogwarts, not having to deal with him.

You cant imagine that though,can you? No.

This is my life. That was my life. Then dad found the alcohual. He used it, many times. So many times, he would scream at us, kick us out, and threaten himself with the wand.

I left, never looked back, Louis my brother left too, He went to live with our cousins, James,Lily,and Albus. I went to live with my best friend Halle Wood, but i continue to visit my many cousins from time to time.

Then, the press found out about my father, the great Bill Weasley. Broken. Crippled.Flawed.

I will never forgive my own father, but i will pity him. A man who saw too much, went through too much, and drank too much.

The press put the news on a muggle and wizard site called 'Instagram'.

Soon enough, everyone knew. Muggles of course, thought it was a joke. Wizards knew though. They viciously attacked my whole family. It was sickening, but we are only human.

I shall never forget the insults, the condesending voices of fellow students, the depression. Never.

Halle truely understands. She doesnt try to make me do anything besides eat. She listens and nods,all I could ever ask for.

Eventually, I'll move and laugh and play, but not today. Not for a long time.

They say the eyes are the window to a persons soul.

Maybe that's why i cant look at my own father in the eyes, because if i do, I'll see what he's seen and become him. I can't let that happen and i wont.

My name is Dominique Weasley and I won't stop loving my father but i will never ever, forgive him for his mistakes he made. Both sober and drunk.

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