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"Do you think love really exists?"


"Why not?"

He took out his phone and typed some words. "According to a definition on the Urban Dictionary, love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres", he read out in his sexy British accent.

I took a sip of the warm chocolate milk and looked out the snowy scenery through the window. "Point taken."

Turning my gaze to him, my eyes came to lock onto his. Our journey was neither patient nor kind. It was the green-eyed monster and very proud. Selfish mistakes we can't correct were made - our relationship built solely on the mistrust of each other.

"So what is it that we have?"

"What do you think?"

"Definitely not love. So, affection?"

He raised an eyebrow.


"C'mon, Adalena, poetic much?" He stood up and dusted off cookie crumbs from his lap and walked over to my side of the table. Bending to give me a kiss, which I avoided, he scoffed, "What we have is stronger than all those. Fear."

I gave him a look.

He then added, "And of course, obsession."

I smirked.

"I am obsessed with you, Adalena Madison."

Giving me a peck on my cheek, he left the empty café as he put on his sunglasses and hat, as if those mere props were going to help him camouflage into the mundane people. There was a small flash that went off in the corner of my eyes.

Sighing, I took out my phone and dialled the first contact on the list.

I could see him pull out his phone from his jeans' pocket in a distance. "What, regretting not kissing me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Better warn your publicist that we are gonna be the talk of the town again. Paps caught us."

I heard him groan. "I thought you had that under control."

"I said I will get the café to empty so there won't be customers to take our pictures. Never said anything about the paps, darling. Anywho, I warned."


I hung up. I leaned back on the soft seat in a seemingly peaceful manner. "Hmm, good coffee here."

The peace didn't last long. An hour later, my phone started blowing up. I searched up my name and top stories came up of me and Damien at the café. "The power couple back together?" "Rekindled love?" "Adalena and Damien back at it".

I was still strolling until I saw a topic that caught my eye: "The dark secrets of the century couple".

I clicked on it.

"Adalena, the heiress to the powerhouse behind the biggest names of the world, and Damien, the royalty-turned-superstar, have dark secrets between them that people don't know about. To the mundane eye, the recent breakup of the couple made them seem like the any other couple that has problems like we all do, love like we all do and live like we all do, just under the eyes of the whole wide world.

But what if 'difference of opinions' is not the real reason behind their breakup? Adalena and Damien are the incarnations of hell, wrote a fellow classmate from their high school. The source, who wishes to stay anonymous, stated that they made everyone's lives around them a living hell, drove the late Fiona Bell to her infamous suicide-"

I hastily closed the article. I knew the article will be gone in a moment and the person who wrote it too, without a trace. But that didn't put me at ease. This means someone out there knows what happened. Someone out there knows what Damien and I did. Someone out there knows that we killed Fiona Bell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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