Info About Yourself [its Not Much]

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Age :15 (u skipped a year)freshman in high school.

Height :5,4

Personality: gets embarrassed easily, shy to people you don't exactly know that well

Appearance[READ THIS] : you have glasses, you have bandages. You decide the rest.

Powers: you got none, your pretty bad ass at some sports tho :)

Soul: it's made of glass , you can of course select the color of it tho :).

By the way.... Your cute, very very very cute, you also play the ukelele,and in this story you created most of the songs of cavetown this doesnt really change anything in the story.

Hope you like my story :3!

Story info :you live with your abusive adoptive father and 2 adoptive brothers one older and one younger.

see ya next chap owo~

Naj X Male Reader//💔 Re-writting💔 //Where stories live. Discover now