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Warning: mature content, don't read if you are easily offended by abuse and sexual content.

"I DON'T KNOW?!" I mentally scream inside my head.

How should I know which ethnic groups had the most causalities in the black death? Does anyone actually know?

Apparently, I had screamed that outloud.

My roommate glances up at me with a worried expression. "You good?" I mumble a yes, and continue to study for bullshit I won't remember the day after.

I really regret taking this college course now...

College has been exhausting for me being. I got into college far earlier than my class, so the work is automatically 10 times harder. Sophie has been my friend for the past four years and I trust her with my life.

The college that we attend is located in the states. But for our history class, we spend three months in Europe and we get to experience and study the various cultures there.

Coming here is an enormous risk, for both me and Sophie.

I just wished that I could tell her my secrets.

"We should go to a club, know of any?" I randomly ask.

This black death shit isn't getting to my head so maybe something else will. Who knows, maybe I can acquire a case tonight.

She snickers, "Who are you, and what have you done with my roommate?" I shrug and smile.

"Oh, don't worry... she is still here." I look up to see her reaction, but I am instead greeted with cold water being splashed on my face.

Silence...absolute white noise, silence.

I find the nerve to look at my friend. Her facial expression is one of failure and disappointment.

I wonder why?

I wipe the water off with her shirt and grip her shoulders, "I am not a Demon, Sophie. You watch too much of that Supernatural crap."

I smack her face lightly and head off to find something for us to wear.

I faintly hear her speak. "I'm sorry, nothing wrong with being safe, Iv."

Right, like having a devil's trap underneath our rug... nope, not at all!

I roll my eyes and push through our clothes. Which is only separated by a thin wall of plastic. I search and search for around 10 minutes and find nothing.

I let out a frustrated scream, catching my spiritual friend's attention. The scream could probably be diagnosed as as a dying llama mixed with hyena.

I'm sure it is on YouTube, what isn't?

We both laugh after a moment. Sophie understands my situation, I told her of my father's abuse years back and how it still affects me today.

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