The Scariest Day and Almost Everything Afterwards - Part 1

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NOTE: You must have read Heroes of Olympus before reading this, otherwise it will not make an sense.

(Percy is narrating.)

I had faced a lot of scary things. I'd faced the Minotaur – now that was scary, especially when it seemed to have killed my mother – I had faced a few hydras (almost dying multiple times), quite a few gods and goddesses, I had even been against Tartarus himself! But nothing was as scary as what I was going to do now. I suppose you might need a little bit of backstory before we get to the terrifying parts...

One day, being 20 and a half years old, I was holding hands with Annabeth walking along a quiet beach, whilst checking that my pocket was still full. It was, which was a relief. I had been having it in there every day for an entire week now, waiting for the right moment. It was a big risk too, because Annabeth could say no, but it had to be worth a try.
When we got to the rocks overlooking the entire beach, I just had this feeling it was time. It was our favourite part of the entire beach, and there was just this sensation my gut was giving me. I had to do this.

I went through my plan once more in my head. I was ready.

I stared straight into Annabeth's stormy grey eyes, full of wisdom, and she seemed to know exactly what I was thinking. Without a word, we jumped into the water together.

Now, being the son of Poseidon, I don't get wet when going in water, and I can create air bubbles to keep others from being wet at the same time. I'd done this many times with Annabeth, and almost every time she kisses me, but this time, I spoke before she could.


Her amazingly beautiful eyes met mine, and she smiled. "Yes, Seaweed Brain?" 

My heart was pounding so much it seemed like my Dad would be able to hear it from his underwater palace – which he probably could. "Um... I... urr..."

Her expression darkened and the smile turned to concern. She looked like she thought I was going to break up with her. "You what, Kelp Face?"

I grabbed out the small box and threw it up in the water. Then I commanded the ocean to bring it back towards me and then put it in between me and Annabeth. I took one of her hands in both of mine, knelt down and looked up at her face. "Annabeth, will you, uh... Will you marry me?"

She looked surprised. Oh no, I thought. She's going to say no.

Then she smiled, and she looked like a fairy tale. "What sort of a question is that? Of course, Fish Boy! I love you more than the world, and you know that!" Then we kissed and, after getting out of the water, started planning the wedding.

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