Chapter 1 -- I'm dreaming...

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KK 2nd/ 3rd time at this book so yeah. I needed a new story line!!!!!!!!! Sorry.  Well now I can have some connections! Lol I promise, well I might not be able to keep this promise, to not delete this book.



Chapter one -- I'm dreaming...

Skylar’s POV. (She’s 18)

I scoffed down my breakfast at the sound repeatedly beep of Josh’s car. YES! They didn’t forget to pick me up! Josh always picked up Angie first, but she was closer to his house then me, and usually they would forget to pick me up. What lovely friends do I have. It was the last week of school. December finally!

I ran into my room, Slipped into a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a white shirt. Shit!!!!!! Where r my glasses! I whipped my phone out of my pocket and texted Angie, saying I was trying to find my glasses. I tipped my room upside down in record time and found them in my draw! YES! BINGO!!!!!!

I bolted down the stairs, with my blue vans half on, half off my feet, and jumped into Josh’s beat up car. I slammed the door shut, knowing Josh hated it. But what I didn’t notice was that my shoe-lace was stuck in the door. I lifted my feet to the side, as Josh reversed out of my drive way, and fell on my back. God I laughed so hard! Angie and Josh were laughing their heads off, because I hit my head on the door.

“Shut up already, you guys know I’m not a morning person!” I moaned.

They just continued to laugh their heads off.

“Don’t I have the nicest friends in the world” I teased.

“Were just the best aren’t we” they responded in vision.


We arrived at school. God. I loved school but just because I was a smart person didn’t mean that people didn’t have to bully me for it, did they? As I walked into School, I tied my hair up in a lose pony tail, and slipped a black head band on. 

Angie and I intertwined our arms as we headed to the doors. Of course Chloe and along with her other plastic, cake-face minions we sucking faces with the football players. Angie and I couldn’t help but stick our tongues out. Stuff them. Of course the football players had the cheerleaders as girlfriends. Typical high school fake-love-for-popularity story.

Chloe hopped of whoevers she was swapping spit with and walked to Angie and I.

“Well look what the cat dragged in?” She teased

“Well look who entered the whore house” I boomed

Angie just giggled and stayed quite.

“Just cause you can’t get a man Skylar doesn’t mean you have to be a bitch” I gave her an evil grin.

“Well I’m not the one with her legs open to everyone, all day and all night, am I?” Burn!

The guy she was swapping spit with even chuckled. Chloe gave him a death stare and he stopped. She turned back to me and gave me one of her signature fake smiles.

“I’ll get you back” she mumbled

“Whatever” I teased as Angie and I started to walk into school.

As Chloe was walking back to her minions I had a smart comment in my head.

“Hey Chloe” I yelled. She turned to face me and placed her hands on her hips. “One more thing, pick your panties up from your ankles will ya?” OMG! BURN BABY BURN!

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