Wigglytuff's true Perfect Apple

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AN: It's about time that I have submitted! Sorry about that, laptop had some major problems, but at least I'm back! Here is something new for all of you! ^^It's not THAT good but my writing skills gotten better! (There would be a lot of location shifting) I think I'm the only one who did a Wigglytuff and Loppuny ship (from PMD2 obviously) so here you are, the first (if not, second or third...) story about it! I tried to get into each character's character as best as possible! So, enjoy! XD

CAUTION: For those who dislike shipping or any other kind of romance...Go AWAY!

This is a VERY long story for a one-shot. Over 20 pages, sheesh! I never typed so many. O.o and it took me more than a month. . I feel so dizzy... *faints* ~ Espeon804

It was dawn. The crisp new morning had arrived announcing the first day of spring. The tulips had finally awoken to open and greet the welcoming sun, and the bitter cold winter has finally taken its leave.

The sound of rustling leaves was interrupted by a distance sound of barking and feet crunching the dead leaves below them. The sound of barking grew louder as three Pokémon fled in laughter. A pack of Houndoom was in pursuit, close behind.

"Tee-hee!" laughed Lopunny, the leader of the famous Team Charm. "You can try all you want! You can't catch us!" She leaped into the air and landed on a nearby tree branch, avoiding the horns of one of the Houndoom. "You can try!"

The Houndoom growled a launched a blast of flames from its mouth. Lopunny ducked her head, and the flames passed by. "Get down here!" he barked.

"I can't." Lopunny replied with a smile. "I don't want to fight you, but since you choose to, you leave me with no choice!" She leaped back down and kicked the dark Pokémon harshly, causing him to be sent flying towards his pack. He collided with them and they fainted.

"Aw!" Medicham pouted. She approached her leader with crossed arms. She stopped, and looked at the Lopunny. She stomped her foot and continued."I wanted to do that! You're no fun if you defeat all of them without letting me help!"

Gardovior chuckled. "Look at the bright side." She announced to her companions, pointing to the defeated pack. "At least we don't have to worry about them anymore." She walked the Medicham's side.

"Yeah, but they caused us a lot of trouble during our exploration!" Medicham growled. "I wanted to teach them!" She sighed as her shoulders slumped, realizing that there was no use to argue. "Oh well, let's just move on."

Lopunny giggled as she and her team walked further down the dungeon they were in. "Now Gardovior, how much farther until we reach the end of this place?"

Gardovior immediately took out a Wonder map, as on what Explorations team calm them. "Well, according to this map, this is Happy Outlook. It's pretty long... but, we should be close to the end now..." The Embrace Pokémon explained as she studied the map. Her eyes were fixed on the old wrinkled paper as she traced her figure as if she was trying to see if they really were close. Her face brightened, and she rolled the map up and handed it to Lopunny. "I'm positive that we would find plenty of treasure to take home as well!" She said in delight, putting her hands together as if she was going to clap.

"Alright!" Medicham cheered. "We just have to wait a bit ore huh? Not a problem!" She and the others begun to walk through the dungeon just as they had done earlier.

Loppuny looked ahead as she put the Wonder map in the pocket of her Treasure bag, noticing that the floor has became wider and clearer. The Dungeon's curse was not noticeable when they entered the room. "This is it. We reached the clearing! Isn't that excellent dears?"

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