Chapter 1

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Emily didn't pay any attention of what the therapist said. But suddenly she heard the therapist yell her name.
"EMILY, are you even Listening to me? How can I help you if you don't even talk or pay attention? I don't want to send you to that place. But if you don't talk to me, I have no..."
"Do it, I don't care." Emily said with an angry voice. The therapist looked at Emily with a sad look. She puts her finger on a button and said.
"Grase Philips." The therapist said.
"Yes ma'am." Answered the therapist assistant.
"Can you call Emily Davis grandmother up for me?" Asked the therapist.
"She is on her way ma'am." Said the therapist assistant.
"Thank you Grase."

*There is a soft Knock on the office door* "Come in Emma." The therapist said.
Emily's grandmother came into the room, looked at Emily, took a deep breath, and she sat down on the chair.
"Is everything okay Elizabeth?" Emily's grandmother asked.
"Emily would you please give us a moment?" The therapist asked.
Emily stood up from the chair walked out of the office, and she closed the door behind her. Emily placed her ear against the door to listen what they were talking about.
"I am sorry to say this but I think it is best to send Emily to Erick Addams." Said the therapist.
"But it is a Psychiatric hospital, she isn't crazy." Emily's grandmother said, with sadness in her eyes.
"Emma it's been 4 years, she isn't getting better. Let's send her to a provisional."
"Can't you try again please. She is all I have left."
"I am sorry. But it's time, we both knew this day would come, one day."
"I just didn't know that day would come so soon. C-can I just say goodbye to her?"
"Of course. They will come get her when you are done." The therapist stood up from her chair, opened the door and said to Emily. "Emily your grandmother want's to talk to you." Emily looked at the therapist with an angry look. Emily went inside the office sat on the chair next to her grandmother and then her grandmother said. "Emily you know I love you. And I will do anything to protect you." Emily looked down and kept quiet. "For fuck sakes Emily just say something!" Emily's grandmother yelled. "You don't love or care about me, you just want to get rid of me." Emily said with an angry voice.
"Elizabeth is going to send you to the Psychiatric hospital." Emily's grandmother stood up from her chair, went to the office door with tears in her eyes. She stood at the door for 2 seconds and said.  "I do love you. And I would do anything in the world to keep you save. Even if it means to send you away." Emily's grandmother closed the door and walked away. Elizabeth opened the office door, walked in the room with two men. The man on her left is wearing a white plain jacket with white sweat pants. The man on her right was wearing a white leather jacket with a white skinny jean. "Come Emily we don't have all day." Elizabeth said with an attitude. Emily stood up from the chair, walked out the office with the two men and Elizabeth followed. The two men walked next to Emily. Both grabbed Emily's arms. Emily looked at the men and said. "Is this..."
"Please don't say a word miss Davis." Emily said.


They arrived at the Psychiatric hospital. When they got inside the Psychiatric hospital. A woman came up to them and said. "You must be Emily Davis? We have a special room for you."
"Do you always say that to the people when they come here?" Emily said with a sarcastic voice. "Make sure you do what I said." Elizabeth whispers to one of the men and walked away. The two men grabbed Emily's arms again. "This way please miss Davis." The lady said. She took Emily to her room. The two men let go of Emily's arms. The lady gave Emily white clothes to wear. She walked to one of the men and said. "Make sure she remembers her manners." She whispers to the one man. Emily couldn't see witch one. But he grabbed her from behind, opened her room door. Pushed her in and he closed the door. Emily dropped her clothes and tried to run but he pushed her on the bed. He climbed on top of her. And starts to kiss her. Emily tried to push him of, but he was to strong. When he was about to take her pants of the both heard a siren and it said. " All female and male nurses please be in the kitchen in 5 minutes." The man who was on top of Emily said. "We will finish this later." And kissed her on the lips. He climbed of, of her, went to the room door, opened it, went outside and he locked the door. Emily ran to the door and tried to open it. But she couldn't. She went back to her bed and fell asleep.

*Door unlocks* Emily woke up and when the door opened she made as if she was asleep. The two men came in with boy. They pushed him on the bed and they tied him up. "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" The boy screamed. The two men ignored him, went outside the room and they locked it.

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