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KQ Entertainment Headquarters

It's spring season and after the ATEEZ schedule became more relaxed, the music company decided that it was a perfect time to record a new reality show. It would be a great way to unwind and have fun, too.

So the group is gathered to have a meeting, in order to decide what concept the Korean boy group wanted to do, for this next reality show for Mnet.

Inside the large conference room, the eight male members are sitting at the long wooden table, where the producers of Mnet, along with KQ recording producers would be across from them once they arrive.

"What do you think will be the new concept for this show?" Yunho asked out loud to the others.

San rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "It's what we want, right? That would actually be possible to do? Please don't include heights, I'm still not over what we did at Gapyeong. My stomach hurts just thinking about it."

Hong Joong and the others laughed at San's facial expression of looking terrified.

"Just don't get on." Jongho snickered.

"You're a scaredy cat." Seonghwa teased, and San scowled at him, crossing his arms.

"Yah! No, I'm not a scaredy cat, I just don't like heights." He retorted defensively.

"I'm just kidding, you dork. I'll protect you." Seonghwa murmured with a smile, hugging him and stroking his hair a bit.

The rest of the group gazed fondly at this boy-ship. It was cute.

"I'm getting jealous, San is mine." Wooyoung whined, about to get up from his seat.

"But I'm the mom in this group, remember?" Seonghwa reminded him, smirking at the younger member.

"Ah, well. Yeah, you're right." Wooyoung replied, blushing and sitting down again.

"Come here, Wooyoung." San coaxed, after the hyung let him go.

San held out his arms, and Wooyoung happily ran to sit on his lap.

Mingi snorted while looking at them two. "I swear, these two sometimes look like they're girlfriends."

Jongho snickered, amused.

"Maybe they are." Yunho joked, grinning teasingly.

"Yah! We're BFFs. I'm pretty clear that I like girls." Wooyoung said defensively.

"I do too, believe me." San remarks.

"You have to stop checking out the Atiny fans, brother." Hong Joong scolded, remembering the last fanmeeting in the United States.

"I'm just admiring the beauty of them. Nothing wrong with that." San scoffed, rolling his eyes at the leader.

"Did you roll your eyes? I'm going to leave you without food today." Hong Joong threatens.

"Seonghwa will save me from starving." San replied with a smirk.

"Will you relax already?" Jongho sighed, staring at something on his phone.

"International fans are so different from the ones here. They are so dedicated and sweet." Seonghwa says, smiling while he also remembered a recent fanmeeting when they were on tour.

Mingi nodded, grinning. "They really defend us, and support everything we do. Especially about our health. They are always scolding us to rest more, keep ourselves hydrated and to be happy. That's all they really want. They're not judgemental."

"I would like to spend a day with a fan, I think it will be so fun." Seonghwa mentioned, and the members all uttered a sound of agreement.

"I would like more than just a day. A week or more." Yunho commented.

"That would be daebak. Even if I might get shy the majority of the time." Yeosang laughed nervously.

Yunho patted his shoulder in understanding.

"True. Because in a day you wouldn't get to do so much stuff. Eat, talk a bit and that's about it." San remarks, hugging Wooyoung's waist.

"Exactly. Hey, how come we don't do that? Let's ask if we can! It would be so daebak! But not our usual Korean Atinys. Let's do it with international Atinys!" Seonghwa says excitedly.

Hong Joong looked eager too, his face brightening.

"That's a cool idea! I hope they say yes. It'll be so fun to hang out with an international Atiny. We could do like a contest or something, to decide who it will be." Hong Joong suggested happily.

"Yeah, it will. I wish the staff would hurry up and get here." Jongho groaned, sounding bored.

In that moment, those people and the KQ staff entered through the door, with a look of ready-to-begin-working.

"Sorry for arriving late, we had another meeting before you." One of the producers from Mnet apologized.

The people then sat down across from the members of ATEEZ.

"Alright, so have you thought of what you would like to do in this new reality?" KQ producer asked them.

"Actually, we kind of did. Guys, so everybody agrees with what we mentioned just now?" Hong Joong questioned the group.

The others nodded with eager grins.

"Awesome. Sir, we were wondering if the new concept could be to spend time with an international Atiny? We would really love to see what it's like to hang out more than a single day with a foreign fan. Preferable that she speaks English." Hong Joong explained to the producers.

The one from Mnet, seemed to be meditating on what the leader of ATEEZ told him.

KQ staff asked, "The question is, how would we actually decide on who it will be?"

"How about we hold a contest where the Atiny does a short video clip, the max time being two minutes, and sends it to the email of KQ. The topic of the clip would be why she loves ATEEZ, and probably optionally can include why she should be chosen. The time for the contest can be like a month? Then we choose one. It's going to be very difficult to pick out of so many, but that's a good way to choose the Atiny." Seonghwa recommended.

"You're a genius, Seonghwa." Hong Joong praised the hyung, who now had a beaming grin.

"Is it possible to do it?" San questions, a hopeful expression on his face.

Finally the Mnet producer looked decided in what was going to be done.

"Yes, it is. What Seonghwa suggested, is the best way to find who will participate in the show. Do the contest, and in the meanwhile, we can decide what activities you'll do. Go over the final details so that when it's time to choose the person, the rest of the plans will be ready."

Wooyoung, Yunho, San, Jongho, Mingi and Yeosang cheered enthusiastically.

Seonghwa looked proud of being the one who gave the brilliant idea.

The next few weeks would be planification of the stuff that was going to be done in the show, after the tweet announcing the contest in Twitter is posted.

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