•Ch. 1: Block Tower•

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Y/n~ Your name
L/n~ Last name
H/l~ Hair length
H/c~ Hair color
E/c~ Eye color
F/f~ Favorite food
F/d~ Favorite drink
F/c~ Favorite color

My bright e/c eyes filled with joy as I piled one block on top of the other. Red block, blue block, yellow block, then green. I was trying to make it a perfect pattern, while also building the tallest tower I ever had. My record was 63 blocks, and currently I was at 38.

Suddenly, I felt my h/c hair get tugged by one of my tied pigtails, making me yelp. I heard the joined laughter of multiple kids behind me, making me turn around.

"Hey there, Y/n, what're you building?" A small, five year old boy asked tauntingly. I sniffled, moving away from the group.

"A-A block tower..." I responded softly, my voice quiet.

"A block tower? Thats lame! You're lame!" The boy sneered, before kicking down all my hard work. I let out a gasp, covering my mouth as the other children laughed at me. I watched them walk away as I begun to cry, slowly trying to rebuild my creation.

"Hi there! Why ya cryin'?"

My teary eyes looked up to meet the gaze of a cheerful looking brown haired boy. His emerald green eyes were bright as he sent me a smile.

"T-They destroyed my t-tower..." I whimpered, wiping away the tears on my cheeks.

"Oh..." The boy stated, looking at the dismantled work. "Why?"

"B-Because they're mean... Everyone's mean to me..." I cried, reaching for one of the blocks.

"I'm not mean. At least, not that I know of." The boy responded, kneeling down next to me. "I'll help you rebuild, then you won't have to cry anymore. Okay?"

"B-But they'll just come back... And destroy it again..." I whimpered, sniffling. The boy grabbed a block in each hand, stacking them on top of one another. After doing so, he looked at me with a big grin.

"Then I'll be here to chase them away." He said, standing up he took a superhero pose. "I'll be your hero from now on!"

I giggled, letting out a smile as he sat back down to help me build. "T-Thank you." I said softly.

"You're welcome! My name's Vlyad." He responded cheerfully.

"I-I'm Y/n..." I said, my voice still soft and quiet.

"Do you wanna be friends now?" Vlyad asked, looking up at me.


"Of course!" He let out another cheerful smile, "How else am I gonna be your new hero?"

I giggled, smiling back at him. "O-Okay, let's be friends."

"Yay!" Vlyad cheered, clapping. He moved his leg, accidentally knocking down the tower once again.

"Oh no..." I stated, a pout on my lips.

"Its okay! We'll just rebuild it again!"

Vlyad and I shared a smile, continuing to rebuild the tower once more.



The nerves of my first day of kindergarten washed away as my best friend called my name. Following the voice, my eyes fell on the brown haired boy, sitting at an empty table.

"Vlyad!" I exclaimed happily, running over to him quickly. The contents of my f/c lunchbox shuffled with my steps as I stopped in front of him.

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