Chapter 1

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"Eat this, spirit bitch," the girl sneers, shooting a salt-round through the dead woman's ghost. The apparition disappeared and the girl continued digging. The graveyard around her was silent and cold, her breath coming out in little puffs.

Her shovel hit the top of the old casket with a thud. Uncovering it enough to open, the girl almost gagged on the smell coming from the seventy-something year old corpse. She took out a can of salt and shook the contents out over the brittle bones. Adding a bit of lighter fluid, she retrieved the matchbox from her pocket and lit one, tossing it into the ditch. The flames consumed the remains, putting the old woman's spirit to rest. The girl's job here was done.

She grabbed her duffle bag and shovel and retreated for the back entrance of the graveyard, where a rusty black pickup was parked. Throwing her things in the bed, she climbed into the cab and headed for a dingy motel just outside of the nearest town where she already had a room.

Parking the truck, she walked to room 9, her combat boots clunking on the concrete. She inserted the key and entered her room, pushing her blonde hair from her face. "Honey, I'm home!"

"Shut up," another girl, her sister mumbled. "How was the hunt?" she asks, looking up from the laptop in front of her.

"Annoying," the first replied. "The old hag can really put up a fight. Had to shoot her with salt-rounds four times before I finished digging up her bones. You know, I know you won't kill anything, Haley, but you could help me with the salt 'n' burn cases. I mean, they're already dead. Plus, I just had to dig a six foot deep hole. You need to pull your weight around here."

"Oh, stop whining," Haley said, rolling her eyes at her younger sister. "We had a deal, remember? I drive, do all of the research, and talk to family members. You do the yucky stuff. I don't kill, I don't dig, and I definitely don't investigate the dead bodies-- that's your job."

"Well, I think you should add digging to your list," she retorted.

"Whatever, Max."


A/N: Hello! I hope the story is good so far. I know this chapter us kinda short, but I hope to update the story soon :) Comments and criticism are welcome, and if you liked the story don't forget to Vote☆!

- Sky

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