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"Rain, rain stay with me don't go away until I leave! Hehaha"I sung dancing around in the rain clutching my stuffed cat toy called bear

"Raven chan your going to get wet, come on" Yui called out to me

"We don't like Yui chan do we bear she always wrecks our fun" I said so only bear could hear

'No we hate her being out here is fun but I want to see in side of this mansion they might have sweets Ray Ray' bear said to me

ONLY I can speak to bear people think they can speak to her but they can't there not allowed I am the only one who can understand bear and bear is the only one who can understand me humans hear they don't listen

I was so concentrated on why bear is mine I didn't notice Yui lead me inside and sat me next to a couch potato and start panicking about the guy who I care not for dead or alive. I finally started to listen to what the zombie had to say

"Well now you should know already I'm going to eat you" zombie couch potato said with his fangs showing, wait fangs he's a vampire that explains the lack of decomposition (when something starts to break down in to bones and rotten dry flesh)

"Ayato"penguin glasses man said "what's with all this commotion?"

I'll let Yui do the talking I'll just stand by the couch potato. I immediately zoned out and decided to poke couch potato


"And This one hasn't done anything but poke me"couch potato said although I don't know why
I kept poking him until he slapped my hand away that's when I snapped I punched him with an 8th of my strength and still managed to send him flying in to the wall on the other side of the room


"Is it just me or dose that mortal remind you of Kanato?" Couch potato said "AND DID SHE JUST HIT YOURS TRULY"

Changing completely by being compared to someone I asked " who's Kanato?"

He just looked at me like WHAT THE BUBBLE GUM while I just looked at him with a straight face

"Come along all of you we shouldn't discuss this here" penguin glasses man orderd

Yui and penguin glasses man left down the hall immediately

"I Don't like either of them they are pathetic excuses of vampires,don't you agree bear?"I asked

'Yes pathetic indeed' bear replied

As I was walking away couch potato teleported somewhere and I just teleported to him, he was a bit shocked when I just appeared out of nowhere but got over it quickly

Penguin glasses man and Yui both looking shocked that I made it there before them

"So I'm the matter of formally, please explain how you have come to our house"penguin glasses man said sternly

"Yes well-ah ah ah so it's true 2 human girls have wondered in to our home" giggles cut Yui off

"Did he just call me mortal bear?"

'Yes' bear replied

I looked at Yui I knew where he was going to teleport next dew to the fact Yui's blood would be almost irresistible and her sent is so strong

As I knew Yui was licked on the cheek by giggles but someone also licked me

"Yum, you taste like bubblegum you don't smell like it though, right teddy" a cute boy said

'Yes Kanato' teddy replied

"Look bear there like us" I beamed

'Yes Ray Ray they are, can you two understand me' bear asked curiously

'"Yes"' they said in unison


The four of us turned to see a guy with pinkish white hair who had his fist in the wall

"My question first!!!" Pinkie pie yelled

"What question?" I asked

He ignored me, NO ONE IGNORES ME!!
I picked up the closest thing to me which just happened to be the couch that couch potato was on so I'm holding a teen vampire on a couch effortlessly with one hand only couch potato and Kanato San noticed so I growled "I don't like to be ignored!" Than I threw the couch at pinkie pie with couch potato still trying to process what just happened then I walked back to Kanato San and just smiled a 'creepy' smile and said in a venomous voice "never ignore me"

Kanato San and I started talking about how much we hate to be ignored that we only snapped back into the conversation when we here'd Yui scream then stutter "v-vampires" then she pulled out her cross necklace and yelled "stay away from me!" Kanato and I exchanged glances before I asked "what's the necklace ment to do?"

"Mortals believe that it will ward off vampires" Reiji San said

"Hehe, why would that work that's so silly, Ne bear" I replied


"Ne, why aren't you scared raven San?" Kanato San questioned

"Because Kanato San and teddy San are nice to bear chan and I" I smiled "besides I already knew you were a vampire"

"That thing(Ayato) over there made it very obvious"

"Yooorrss twroly no me ting" Ayato mumbled while trying to get rid of the concussion that I caused him

"Raven Chan we have to get away from these monsters!!!!!"

"Yes... Good luck with that" I replied

With that she ran to me and pulled me out the room

"Yui why are you running? Isn't is rude to just leave in the middle of a conversation?" I asked I mean there just vampires there not that strong


'No just you' bear snickered 

"Heheehehehe, your right bear" I chuckled

That's when we past a table of sweets and I stopped letting Yui drag me she kept running past Kanato San who said"ill break you"

"Kanato San teddy San can I have a cookie please"

"On one condition raven San you have to come with me to follow your sister"

"Hai, Kanato San but Yui is not my sister bear is"

"Oh I see"

We now made it to giggles

"Ahh, Kanato I see you found one of the lambs"giggles giggled

"First mortals now lambs this is really making me hungry" I mumbled

"Raven San you said mortals are making you hungry does that mean you eat them?"kanato San asked

"Why of course after all I am a demon" I answer with my head tilted

"Ahh, I see that's why I couldn't smell you vampires can't smell demons" giggles

We stopped at couch potato laughing at the stairs

"What did the stairs do that's so funny?"i asked

"It wasn't the stairs  it was that mortal girl" couch potato said

Then my face darkened my breathing was ragged I passed bear to Kanato and then shouted "FUCK THIS BULL SHIT IM HUNGRY!" Then I teleported to a juicy looking soul stabbed my hand through his chest and pulled out his heart and soul I devoured his soul and was munching on his heart when I teleported back to the mansion they all turned to the sudden smell of blood (minus Yui who was already knocked out) to see me covered in blood nibbling on a human heart I saw them looking and hissed demonically "mine go get your own"

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