dear mr. Bean... scared of BEANS, SPACE BOIII???

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My teacher made me write this for detention because i put rebaked baked beans into his underwear.

It was a crisp monday afternoon and Barquifious had just finished his KD lunch. Barquifious pulled his chair from the table and began to walk towards the cafeteria exit.
He had just skipped third period because he was bad boy ™. Part of his daily routine was to continually disregard rules. One rule was not to snack in the halls, however Barquifiuos was a total beast on sicco mode and feared no authority. He yoinked out a pack of Dunkaroos and began snacking.

Our lil man mosied himself down to hall and ran into a gorgeous girl.
She had ginormous hadononakd, really big bazzobie canognaers, honestly insanely large hognoganons, all haboovienobeners, honka tonkanas nonganers, cabooba hagnonganous logcockeners, himbelenous hagogling rocknocgenric logpogenous hognornangoubous bobeners.

And she was gorgeous to him, his bean girl.

His Bean GirlWhere stories live. Discover now