The First of Many (Short Story)

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hihihi. so this isn't something i usually do but i wrote this for an english creative writing controlled assessment and i liked it, so i decided to upload it here! it's kinda based off ahs season 2 (asylum) but it's shorter than i wanted it to be because limited amount of time in school! 

All feedback is appreciated :)


I hit the ground running. Something out of the room I had just jumped from crashed to the floor behind me. Not waiting for my best friend, I sped up and sprinted away into the forest. The trees now surrounding me towered up into the sky and their colour was as dark as night. From the corner of my eye, I saw a head of blonde hair running along a different path and sighed knowing Alex had made it. I thudded across the dank ground, leaping over undersized tree roots, they looked way too small to be real. The heavy footsteps behind me slowed, so I took my chance and turned my head to look. Right on my tail was a massive looming black shape that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger every second. "HANNAH!" I heard a shriek and whipped my head towards the noise. That's when I saw it. A large twisted root placed right in my path. I didn't think, tripped and went sailing over it before crashed hard into the cracked mud of a dried out stream.

When I awoke the first thing I noticed was that I was laying down on a slightly uncomfortable bed of some description. The room I woke up in was tiny and clammy with faint blood stains covering the white washed walls. Light came from one single bulb swinging softly from the ceiling in the centre of the room. In the dusty corner of the ceiling water dripped from a small damp patch. I watched as the shadows crept up the walls forming outlines of so many different creatures. Hearing the creaking of a floor board, I instantly snapped my head towards the right. There! Wait, what? I could have sworn I saw a figure. Shaking my head I decided I was just imagining things or maybe I had picked up a concussion from the fall. Oh yeah the fall! How could I have forgotten about that? I wondered where Alex was. I wondered what tat creature was. How did I end up here? Swinging my legs slowly off the bed, I sat up and looked around for an escape. There were scratches all over the wall, dates, names, tally marks and even what looked like claw marks. But what I noticed most was the giant looping letters written in dull red blood. All sorts of things: HELP! BEWARE! HE'LL GET YOU! YOU'RE NEXT! and one thing in particular: BLOODY FACE. Trying to ignore the words I stumbled towards a grayish cast iron door. It was dead cold and lead heavy but some how I managed to tug it open - icy blasts of air pushing their way out. Taking a big gulp of air I dragged my feet into the room with me.

The room I had stepped into was more like a corridor than any room I had ever seen. Stretching out for miles in one direction - the other end with another cast iron door, this one black. I noticed that every single metre or so there was a gray door just like the one I had only just excited, some open some shut tightly. It was exactly liked a prison but smelt way different. Like classic hospital smell. A mental hospital? An abandoned one at that. Surely it couldn't be? Scared would be an understatement. Looking down the corridor I saw that the walls were covered in the same markings and words. But this time there were other things too - pictures, drawings. A mans face, covered in blood. Shaking the images out of my head, I turned and crept towards the looming dark door.

I was on the other side. By that I mean the other side of the door not death. But I guess by now I might as well be. The other side of that door was a big open area. Lit by dappled sunlight from the slow collapsing roof above. Above me floors and floors of railed off walkways shot up towards the sunlight. Suddenly I heard a loud crash. Panicking I shot off in the opposite direction towards another cast iron door. Behind this door was something that looked exactly like an operating table. I swear it must have been pulled straight out of a horror movie. Hearing footsteps outside I quickly slid myself underneath another small bed at the side of the room. Something or someone shuffled into the room grunting as they did so. Daringly I took a peek up towards the face of the creature. A man. Normal clothes. Slightly bloody. But still a man. Then I saw his face. I only just held my gasp as I saw that he wore another mans face. Covered in blood, he wore it as a mask. Holding my breath i kept my eyes on his feet as I heard him grunt. "You're next. When I find you, I'll kill you. Come out, come out wherever you are!" He slowly shuffled back out of the door. 

After waiting for what seemed like hours I slid out of my hiding place, now sure he was completely gone. In all honesty this was my thing. I loved horror movies, TV shows and all that. I couldn't get enough of them! But it never once crossed my mind that any of it would ever happen to me. Well me and Alex were watching one when that thing - that creature in the woods attacked us. Quickly pulling myself back into reality I crept out of the room and turned down a random corridor. From the corner of my eye I saw a head of blonde hair running along a different corridor and screamed knowing Alex was here. I turned to flee and was soon faced with who I had come to know as Bloody Face. 

"It's your turn"

Black. That's all I saw. Black.

I woke up in bed the next morning.


[2 hours 27 minutes - 3 and a half sides of A4]

ayy so yes here! i did like how this turned out in class so i decided to post it for you guys too idk. i guess let me know what you thought of it and i might upload a few more short stories leading up to halloween!! love you guys and i'll see you soon

ps. punk ass kids updates should be on wednesdays from now on but im super busy so im really sorry if they get uploaded late

twitter- @txkeitaway


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