Through the Trap Door

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That night, you stayed up until you knew the common room was empty.
You changed into a pair of overalls with a green shirt and sneakers. You checked all around to make sure Malfoy wasn't around. You even used a spell to make sure he was nowhere to be seen. Once you exited the common room, Harry revealed himself under his invisibility cloak. "Get under." he whispered. You nod and do so and started walking.

When you got to the third floor, Hermione winced. "Ow! You stood on my foot!"
"Sorry." Ron said as a a flame lights. Hermione drew out her wand and points it at the door. "Alohomora,"the door opened and you go in.

Once you first caught sight of the three headed dog, you fell in love. "Wait a minute...he's...." the dog breathed, and the cloak flutters off you and the trio.} "...sleeping."
"Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp," Harry says as you and trio approach the sleeping dog. "Aw, he looks so beautiful when he sleeps." you say as you examine the sleeping three headed dog."Uh. It's got horrible breath!" Ron says in disagreement.
"We have to move its paw," Harry says, changing the subject
"What?!" Ron asked.
"Come on!"Harry said as he grabbed it's paw, which was blocking the door. You grabbed a part of its paw. "Okay. Push!" 
You strain and move the paw. You then help open the door.
"I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign. If something bad happens, get yourselves out," everything then went silent. "...Does it seem a bit...quiet to you?" Harry asked.
"The harp. It stopped playing." Hermione pointed out. 
Just then, drool came down and dropped on Ron's shoulder. " Ew! Yuck! Ugh." Ron exclaims as you and the others look up and see Fluffy standing there. Fluffy barks and growls, thrashing. It breaks the harp and dives at you and trio.
"Jump! Go!" Harry exclaims. Harry, Ron and Hermione jumped down. But you stayed a moment. "Fluffy! Sit!" you exclaim. The three heads look at you. You give the dog a mothering look and the dog obeys. You get out your wand say the spell "Reparo" to fix the harp and put the spell back on the harp to play it. The dog fell asleep and you jumped down the door and land on a slimy black plant.

"What were you doing?" Ron yelled. "Putting Fluffy back to sleep so he isn't a problem coming back up." you say. "Wait...where's Hermione?" you asked. Just then, the plant started to wrap around your body. You started to struggle, but then you heard Hermione's voice. "It's devil's snare, Y/N! Relax!" Hermione yelled from below. "Oh, right." you say sarcastically. You then stopped tensing up and relaxed all your muscles. You then slipped through the vines. "Aresto momentum!" you say before you stopped in mid-air and landed safely on the ground.
"AH! Y/N!" Harry and Ron exclaimed.
 Now what are we gonna do?!" Ron asked.
"Just relax!" Hermione yelled through the vines.
"Hermione! Where are you?!" Harry asked.
"Do what I say. Trust me." Hermione said. "It really works!" you say to try and persuade the boys a little more. 

You hear the vines as they let go of Harry and falls through the vines.
"Ahh! Harry!" Ron screams. Harry landed on the hard ground. Hermione goes over to him and he stands up.
"Harry!" Ron yelled louder.
"Are you okay?" you ask.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Harry replies as he gets up. 
"Help!" Ron yelled even louder.
"He's not relaxing, is he?" Hermione asked, annoyed.
"Obviously not," you say in the same tone
"Help! Help me!" Ron screamed.
"We've got to do something!" Hermione exclaimed. "What?" Harry askked. "Uh! I remember reading something in Herbology."
"Oh. I know!" you exclaim. "Um Devil's Snare, Devil's Scare, {The snare shuts Ron's mouth} it's deadly fun..."
Hermione's eyes widened and helped you finish the poem "...but will sulk in the sun!"
"-That's it! Devil's Snare hates sunlight!"
Hermione takes out her wand and points it at the plant. "Lumos Solem!" a beam of light shoots out. The Snare shrieks and recoils andRon falls below.
"Ron, are you okay?" Harry asked.
"Yeah." Ron replies as he stands. "Whew. Lucky we didn't panic!" Ron said, with a shrug. You slapped the side of his head. "Ow, Y/N!" Ron whinces.
"Lucky Hermione pays attention in Herbology." Harry said.

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