Sex with friends

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Far too hot, he thought to himself. Abbacchio supposed that the full trench-coat didn't do anything to alleviate his discomfort but remained resolute and steadfast. He walked forward, setting a rather quick pace. He'd been sent by Bucciarati to scope out a newcomer to the area who'd apparently been causing issues with some of the shop-owners.

The woman in question was a younger lady, being in her early twenties and apparently sporting an athletic figure. She'd moved into the town and immediately set out pressuring people for 'protection money'. Bucciarati had been informed by one of the locals and had sent Abbacchio out to either scare the woman enough to stop her actions or to stop her in a more forceful manner.

He walked slowly, trailing the woman through the streets until she eventually paused in her stride, turning to look behind her. She continued along the streets until she turned off into an alleyway. His eyebrows deepened into a scowl before he followed her down into the dank area.

"Who are you exactly then?" 

Abbacchio's eyes widened slightly before his face returned to his scowl, it wasn't that surprising but he was still annoyed that she managed to actually spot him tracking her. He remained silent, relaxing his tensed muscles and loosening up, allowing him to move whichever way he required. The woman's lips lifted up, opening into a violent snarl before she bit out a threat.

"Fine, I'll make you tell me!"

The air was driven out of Abbacchio's chest by a silver fist. Fuck, she was a stand user, he though to himself bitterly. Looking up, he properly took in the woman's stand. It was quadrupedal, smooth and silver. It had the body shape reminiscent of a Hollywood werewolf with some minor changes. Replacing it's face was black mask designed in a way that looked similar to a pharaoh mask but the largest change was in the chest. Splitting the breast down the middle was a vertical slit that opened up into the mouth that looked similar to a bone bear trap. 

He dove backward, another fist sailing by his chest before he backed up, running around the corner of the alley and hiding out of sight, sheltered by a car. A slight scurrying noise drew his attention downward. Looking over toward the noise, Abbacchio saw a small rat covered in a black liquid. A slight ticking noise emanated from the animal and Abbacchio quickly bated it away.

There was a big cracking sound and Abbacchio found himself being blown back slightly as the animal exploded in mid-air. He frowned slightly, standing up and meeting the eyes of the mystery lady. Looking at her stand, he observed it picking up rubble and dirt and placing it into it's chest cavity before retrieving it, the object now being covered in the same black liquid. At least now he knew how her stand worked. Another explosion rang out and the smoke and debris clouding the street and obscuring the view.


The woman looked around angrily, eyes darting throughout the street. She couldn't see the long-haired man anywhere. Sending her stand through the street, she smirked gently. She'd found him. Hiding behind a different car, her stand jumping over and grabbing the man around the waist. Her smirk escalated, forming into a savage grin. She brought him closer before her eyes widened. He wasn't breathing or blinking at all. She turned around quickly, meeting the gentle embrace of a brick slammed into her cheek courtesy of Abbacchio. The body in the hands of her stand melted, revealing a purple figure. She slowly faded out of consciousness and her view of Abbacchio faded away.

Abbacchio watched impassively as this occurred, turning away calmly. A slight pressure on his foot caused him to look down. His gaze locked with a small ladybug, smothered in the oil-like substance.

Bucciarati and AbbacchioWhere stories live. Discover now