The first time

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Erwin's POV

I sat at my desk doing paper with Levi. Levi and I have both been drinking no stop to cure the boredom.

"Oi Erwin. What time is it?" "Like one something." Levi sighs upset at the fact that we pulled another all nighter and still hadn't finished. "I'm going to go to bed." Levi gets up and stumbles towards the door before falling. "I think I'm just going to crash on your couch actually." Levi flops down on the couch and seems to fall straight to sleep.

I get him and pillow and blanket and as I am setting up a place for him to sleep I feel his soft lips on mine. I look down at him surprised. "I was bored." He says before going back to sleep. I throw his blanket over him and walk into the bedroom that is connected to my office.
I fall asleep quickly.


Hey guys sorry I've been gone for so long but I'm back now. I just graduated college so I should have more time to write now that I'm not working and going to school. I will try to update more often and with longer stories. Thank you for being patient! I couldn't have done it without your support! Thank you again! Love y'all!

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