Chapter One "agony"

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Everyone has a good or sad story to tell friends and family members here's Wyatt's story....

    Wyatt was out in the dark streets of Beverly Hills,California walking down the sidewalk with dread taking over his mind as he headed back towards the house with the help of the cane in his hand. The reason he felt dreadful was because he had a curfew whenever he went outside and he just broke it which,had painful consequences he was going to suffer back at the house. Wyatt continued walking until he knew he was in front of the medium sized mansion he lived in with his father."Please...don't be in the house yet...". He begged to nobody in particular before proceeding to walk cautiously towards the door to his house so he wouldn't trip. Wyatt already had enough bruises and more to come as soon as he entered the house and he didn't want to hurt himself before actually getting beaten to death.

     Wyatt had been to a park where he was at peace until now,he was going to get badly beat by his father like many other times. Wyatt took a deep breath and tried to be brave,making a beeline for the door and pushing it open after unlocking it. He stepped forwards and closed the door behind him quietly,hoping his father Richard wasn't there. For some reason his dad blames him for the death of his mother who gave birth to him."father im home!!..are you here!!!...?". He yelled out through the house to only hear nothing but heavy steps quickly heading his way."NO WAIT DAD plea...". Wyatt didn't get to finish because as soon as he said dad he received a rough punch to the face that sent him tumbling down to the floor on his back. The punch was so hard that it left him dazed and disoriented to the point where he could barely move."Dad don't...please not again..". He begged his father not to beat him again since he was beat yesterday in his drunk state. Wyatt's nose and bruised face was sore and now bloody again from the recent hit to the face.

  Richard waited for his good for nothing blind son to finally get home so he could beat him over and over against until the boy passed out. He heard the door open and Wyatt's voice,standing up and smirking darkly at the boy who couldn't see him. Richard has told the boy he had to be back home before ten pm and what does the boy do?he comes at ten and thirty minutes later. He sped towards the unknowing boy and punched him with all his might,watching and smiling in glory as the boy fell on the floor. The blood running down his nose and mouth gave Richard pleasure as the boy tried covering his face to no avail."Begging? Are you begging me to stop!!!?". Richard was never going to stop he was going to make the boy bleed until he got tired of the boy. Richard continued to beat him until he got tired and bored of him,he could tell the boy had given up and was weak to the point where he couldn't defend himself."serves you right for killing her..FOR KILLING YOUR MOTHER!!..YOUR OWN MOTHER!!". Richard kicked the boy one last time and like everyday he called out to the servant ."CHRISTOPHER COME GET THE BOY AND TAKE HIM TO HIS ROOM NOW!!". Richard wiped his bloody knuckles with a rag and nodded as Christopher picked up the boy and took him upstairs to the master room where he dropped him on his bed.

As Richard sat down on the white love seat in the living room with whisky in a glass cup,he didn't notice the person in front of the medium sized window taking a few more pictures of Richard for evidence."You are going down when I'm done with you Richard Phillips...with the help of your son's older brother..". The male voice said lowly before turning around and walking away with a victorious look in his eyes. The photographer pulled out his phone and dialed a number which Picked up quickly."i have the first sets of pictures Connor I'm proceeding with phase two tomorrow bright and early..he'll be fired in no time sir". The hooded figure hung up the phone after he was told of the good job he was doing and headed towards his house where his good for nothing and clueless father resided. The hooded figure carried his camera upstairs to his room and secret investigation room which were filled with files and pictures of Richard and Wyatt Davis Phillips. The hooded figure began to assess the pictures of Richard and Wyatt,looking at every detail through out the whole night until he passed out on the desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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