The Fall

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       "The Fall. But don't be scared. Falling's just like flying except there's a more permanent destination." Jim Moriarty (Sherlock)

             The auburn haired girl sat up with a jolt as she heard pounding footsteps coming towards the alley way she was sleeping in. Her piercing blue eyes scanned the area for the monsters that had chased her from her home. Well time to head to school then she told herself stretching her arms upward and flinching at the cold as the sleeve of her Sherlock trench coat slid down her arm revealing her wrists. She brought her wrists down so that they were in her line of vision. She looked at the bright red scars on her wrist and felt a tear form at the corner of her eye.

          “You’re going to be late,” she scolded herself accidently out loud. She stood, went to the usual stream where she bathed and felt a surge of power and energy as she stepped in. In a short bit she was cleaned, dressed and ready to head off to school. She checked her backpack to make sure that everything she needed for her day was safely in the pack. She carefully zipped the pack and put it over her shoulder careful not to cause any more harm to the backpack which was already ninety percent duct tape. Looking back once to make sure she didn’t forget any of her crucial supplies in the alley she walked away, headed towards the school.

            This early in the morning it was rare for Ezmerelda to be bothered. The way she saw it this was her only time during the day when she was free of criticism from the people around her.

            “Ezzy?” A pair of amber eyes stared at her.

            “Yeah?” she returned the gaze of the eyes.

            “I didn’t know you walked this way to get to school. Do you live around here?”

            “Sort of,” she tried to never completely lie to people.

            “Oh, well,” Rose, the girl, drifted her eyes over to the general direction of the school. As soon as her golden eyes landed on the building a clear sound rang out into the frigid autumn air.

            “First bell, we should run,” Ezzy suggested gesturing towards their incoming prison.  In tacit agreement the girls took off down the street. Ezzy enjoyed the movement and she let herself go. She ran really fast not letting anything hold her back. Her light brown hair streamed behind her, as she became a fearless blur on the earth.

            “It’s not that urgent and it’s not like were racing what are you doing?” Rose demanded.

            “Nothing…” she slowed herself and limited the power she put into her motion, turning from a run to a brisk jog.

“Do you have any plans for fall break?”


“Girls! You’re going to be late! Get inside quickly!” a teacher ushered them along. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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