The Doctor's Appointment

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It had been a long day. Not long in the too many extreme cases and I needed a break. It was the exact opposite - too many trivial cases. Nothing too serious or exciting had happened. It was just a lot of simple cases - the typical ones really. And I wanted something that a doctor could fix, not a nurse. Hannah, my receptionist, informed me of my next patient. It was a 'special' case. I wasn't sure what that meant but if it was something better than common colds and headaches - I was in.

Since all of the cases were so simple, they didn't take the time allocated, so I was sitting around for a while in between. I decided to take my chances and walk out to see if my next patient had arrived. I grabbed the patient file and headed down the hallway, opening it before I stepped into the waiting room. Louis Tomlinson. That was what the name read.

I looked around the room; there was an elderly man, a young woman and a rather attractive man. I was hoping it was him and not some other guy that would enter soon. That would be nice and he does look like he could bring me something interesting or special.

"Err, Louis Tomlinson," I looked up, not at anyone in particular. Then a deep, sexy voice responded.

"Yep, that's me." It was the attractive man. He stood from his seat, tucked his phone in his pocket and walked toward me. I gave him a smile as he approached, he returned it then I spun in my heel and started down the hall. I could hear his steps behind me - they were soft, but they were there.

"Through here, sir," I stepped aside and let him enter before me. I closed the door behind him. "Please, have a seat," I gestured to the bed/table against the wall. He hopped up onto it and sat with his legs over the edge crossed at the ankles and hands in his lap. "What is it I can do for you?" I hoped by 'special' that Hannah meant cool and interesting not like a jar stuck on a hand or a mysterious viral disease.

His face went a little red when I spoke and he uncrossed his ankles. "Well, it's rather embarrassing really," he gave a little laugh and looked down into his lap - red cheeked still. "I have a... um... a thing on my um... thing." He was waving his hands in an attempt to motion what he was trying to say without actually having to say it.

"A thing on your thing?" he nodded. I think I could guess what one of the things was as he had motioned to his crotch a few times.

"Something bit me," his face was still red when he jumped to his feet. "I'll just show you." He unbuckled his belt, then his fly and dropped his pants to the floor. He pulled off his undies and then he was all exposed. The one time I did look back up at his face, he seemed to have lost some of the redness - perhaps at the relief of it finally being out and not having to explain it. It looked huge, and it was only flaccid! I couldn't begin to imagine the size of it when it was erect!

"I see your predicament." I moved in closer to get a look at the red blister-looking patch on his penis. He turned his head to the side as I did so. I wondered what he was thinking in that moment. Maybe it was 'oh my god, why did I wear no pants when I went trekking in the woods' or 'gee, I hope he likes the enormity of my cock!'

"How long has it been... like this?" I asked in amazement. It wasn't a mysterious viral disease or a limb that needs extracting from somewhere that it didn't belong. But my wish for something interesting was fulfilled with this very case!

"Umm... about five and a half days. I was on a hike at the base of a mountain and I camped out in my swag. Basically, I was woken up by a sudden sting and realised that I had been bitten. I didn't get to see what it was because I shook it off while jumping out of the swag and lost it."

I didn't know what to say. It looked like a rash, but I could definitely tell that it had come from some form of bite. "Okay. Can I... do you mind if I touch... it?"

He looked a little surprised but not too daunted by it. "Umm... sure." He took his hands from in front of him and put them behind his back. I got a tight rubber glove from the dispenser and pulled one onto each hand. I wouldn't be able to feel it as well, but I didn't want to risk catching something if it is contagious.

His member was warm between my fingers. He seemed uncomfortable in this situation - I mean, anyone would be, but he seemed more nervous than embarrassed. It was like he really cared if someone, especially a man, saw his cock. He wasn't embarrassed at a man seeing him, more that he cared about it and that was why he was timid.

All I could think were dirty thoughts when I was touching him and I was kind of ashamed of myself - to be honest. I'm meant to be a doctor - a professional - and all I can think about is how great it would be to bend Louis over my desk and take him to town.

I think he was feeling something too, because as I felt him, his penis became erect. And oh god, if I thought it was spectacular before, it was mind-blowing when fully erect. It was bigger than I thought it could be and I was thrilled to be seeing it. But I couldn't be thinking this now - ever. I stood, deciding that I had done what I needed and could now stop pretending that I needed to touch him.

I turned to my desk, looking like I was onto something, though I was still thinking about what to do. Would an injection be right? Or is that too extreme when an antiseptic cream would suffice? Usually I am straight onto treatment. What is it about this case that I am questioning myself? I think an injection is more of a second option. "Alright, I'll..." I tried to pretend that I hadn't seen what I did see. When I turned back around to him, his face was still red and he was nervously pulling his pants up. He had to literally shove his cock into his pants to get the zipper to go over it. He got it done up and looked up from his pants to me, only to see me gawking at his crotch

"You were saying," he was still blushing and tried to hide his embarrassment.

"Yes, right, umm..." I blinked, shook my head and wiped my face with my hand. "I'll give you a prescription for this antiseptic cream. It's a mild dose, so if it doesn't work, there are other options. Now, because of the cream and the condition, it is best if you do not engage in sexual intercourse and try to avoid stimulation of the area. This cream can cause some sensitivity or sometimes a burning sensation or irritation. That is normal, but if it is extreme or causes pain and discomfort then stop using it and come back to see me. You can apply it twice a day; just massage it onto the area. I'd like to see you again in three days to see how the cream is working and what we do next. Okay?"

"Okay. I'll be sure to avoid... those things. Thank you so much"

"My pleasure" oh god, that sounded bad. What man would find it a pleasure to look and feel another man's junk? I mean, I would because I'm gay - but he doesn't know that and it could be weird for him. "I'm sorry, that sounded wrong. I'm happy to help you. That wasn't any better was it? - don't answer that. See you in three days Mr Tomlinson." I smiled and looked down at my feet.

"You too doctor. See you then" he smiled and looked down too while he spun on the balls of his feet. He shut the door behind him and I walked back to my chair and plonked onto it. I stretched back and covered my face with my hands. I let out a deep breath, not knowing that I had been holding it. I have never been so excited for a return visit - ever. If only there were a fast forward button for life so that I could skip all the replaying and thinking and guessing that was guaranteed to come in the next three days.

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