Another day at school

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Solitude. Again? Here I sit alone calm with my thoughts (freezing my ass off) to avoid yet another undone homework. What happened to study hard and succeeding this year? Ah well it's not exam time yet. Maybe then I'll start giving a shit.

Trinity High School is a Christian run public school. Ran by the infamous Peter Bollen. A tall bald broad looking older man. Somedays when the sun is shining brightly you can see your own reflection on his tan coloured mirror of a head. Most days all you see is him screaming at children in hopeless attempts to intimidate them with his bull shit lectures on exams. Who knows why he enjoys terrifying young eleven year olds. Maybe he had some strict father that wounded his childhood. Maybe he was a victim of a cruel upbringing. Frankly, I don't give a shit. It may sound sadistic but I lost all respect for the man when he yelled at a boy in our year that had cancer for his poor attendance. Yeah, and he's just the beginning of our sham of a school. Not that I hate it! I mean strongly dislike but I do enjoy school itself. Just maybe not the work and the teachers.

My friends are the weirdest gang of people you could ever clump together. I think now everyone is in fifth year we seem to be more childish than we were in first year. We've passed that stage where everyone is trying to prove themselves as bring grown up. I'm very glad of it.

The winds piercing sharply at my uncovered arms. Jacket next time Rach! Wait will there be a next time? I don't even care anymore. It is peaceful here though, and I would enjoy this spot a while lot more if I hadn't fell and got mud all up my uniform. That was hilarious though. Don't get me wrong please I actually am fun and can take a joke just today I sound rather glum.

Boys from second year are yelling and running around near by. Of course! P.E! I'm sibling further down in my spot they can't see me. As time passes I realise I need to move from my haven. The voices of screaming boys fade and that is my cue. I have to make second class!

Trying not to fall again I gain cautious speed upwards towards the school. In through the office entrance. No questions? That was easy! The bell hasn't rang yet so I move towards the girls bathroom and clean myself up best I can. Great. I've looks like I've shit myself. My laugh echoes in the empty room. Ring ring.

My cue. I gather my things and take flight towards the science corridor. The first class on my left is my Chemistry class. I enter quickly and sit down on my stool with no questions asked.

I grin. 'Like a Boss'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2012 ⏰

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