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" Alright, so I've realised lately, or have been noticing that so many people are so unhappy... People that you see every day that have the brightest smile on their face go home and cry every night, and people who are completely immersed in the conversation you're having are actually just thinking about the fact that they're not allowed to eat today and people who you think are beautiful that go home and tell themselves how ugly they are, or compare themselves to others who are 'more beautiful than them' or have this horrible terrible thought that they're not good enough.. and it honestly pains me to see a beautiful young girl have to live with the doubt that maybe she's not pretty enough, maybe she isn't smart enough, maybe she isn't skinny enough because SOMETHING or SOMEONE convinced her she wasn't. I'm so sick of people making fun of so and so and because they're 'ugly as fuck' or 'fat as fuck' or something because they don't have blonde hair and maybe because their hip bones don't show and maybe because they don't skip a meal, or maybe they do but it doesn't really make a difference... I don't know what to do because I'm starting to experience it with friends. Friends that I think are beautiful, friends that I think are amazing, friends that I believe are perfect not only because they're beautiful on the outside but some of the most amazing people I know... why is it that so many people are allowed to be unhappy? why does anyone have the right to make someone feel that way? So, if you're reading this... Which I mean is totally understandable if no one does... But I think you're perfect. You're beautiful, no matter what that guy said, no matter what your mum thinks, no matter what that stupid bitch next to you says or implies when she talks about herself. You're perfect to me. And you need to start learning to be perfect for yourself, because until you're happy with who you are and accept that maybe you're not going to look like those skinny ass models that show every one of their bones, and maybe you won't be a 10 on every guy's scale... but you're YOU, and nobody else can say that except you. And YOU are great, and YOU can do great things, and YOU ARE good enough, and smart enough, and pretty enough to be happy... YOU just have to believe that" - Lauren Jauregui (American Singer-songwriter)


- (COMMENT BELOW " perfect ")


- follow my ig: @lillygatesofficial


A/N: I love this quote-ish thing by Lauren Jauregui. It's probably one of my favourites because it identifies what many people think but they are too scared to admit. I needed you to read this, because I needed to read it too. I really related to this quote. I believe that this quote has a lot of depth and has a message that everyone needs to know.




" You're enough. You're absolutely enough. And if you deal with things that are really difficult like family issues, or anxiety, depression or substance issues, I just think that you're never too far gone. I really believe that I think every person is valuable and important and we are all equal and not to, I always feel like I get cheesy, but it's genuinely from my heart. I care about the world and the only message that I would say is that you're enough. That you are valued and even if you feel absolutely alone, that there is millions of people that feel that way, and I want to encourage them to get to know who they are and it's really hard. I don't want people to think it's labelled on and it's gone. I spent years of my life trying to navigate who I am and overcome so many obstacles. So, I don't think it's easy. I believe in people and I've seen amazing people go through the hardest things, and it inspires me" - Selena Gomez (American Singer and Actress)


- (COMMENT BELOW " inspire")

-- follow my ig: @lillygatesofficial


A/N: I think a lot of these quotes speak for themselves, they almost carry a similar message as the one before it holds. Selena Gomez is a woman that strongly encourages people. If you also ever need motivation, Mikayla Gilles is a model, singer, actress and youtuber. She gives a lot of examples of how to be confident in who you are in her YouTube videos. I would recommend if you watched them. you Gotta wanna do it.

Motivational quotes and speeches//@Lilly_gates_officialWhere stories live. Discover now