Godric's Hollow

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Disclaimer: I do not own any characters used in this story, all recognizable names, locations, and characters are property of the wonderful JK Rowling, who was lovely enough to bless us with the Harry Potter books to become obsessed with as I have.

Summary: In the DH book, Harry wonders why Dumbledore never took him to Godric's Hollow to visit the graves of their lost loved ones. Well... what if he did? Set sometime around Christmas in HBP. Hurt/Comfort, angst, etc. One-Shot.

A/N: I've been having a bit of an HP binge as I'm camping without access to the internet. These little ideas for fics keep coming to me, and who am I to deny them? Anyway, once I go back to school, I won't be writing nearly as often as I am now, so I might as well pump out as many fics as I can during the summer.


Godric's Hollow


Harry had received another summons from Dumbledore, and he was... well, curious. The note had said that this wouldn't be one of their normal meetings, where they would look at memories of Voldemort and discuss the evil man's (if you could call him a man) plans to take over the world.

This note had said that they would be leaving the grounds, that he should bring his cloak, scarf, and gloves, because they would be outside, which intrigued Harry. He couldn't think of any Voldemort-related reason that they should be leaving the grounds or staying outside for an extended period of time.

So, when the time came to go up to Dumbledore's office, Harry trudged out of Gryffindor Tower, cloak in hand, waving goodbye at Ron and Hermione halfheartedly, his mind wandering.

He absentmindedly traipsed through the halls toward the entrance to the office, letting his feet lead him as his thoughts strayed to what exactly he and Dumbledore were going to be doing.

And then he was in the office, staring at Dumbledore's silhouette near the window, where it was framed by the dying light of the setting sun.

"Hello, Harry." Dumbledore muttered, his gaze not swaying from the horizon.

"Hello, sir." Harry replied, slowly walking over so he was standing a few feet away from the professor. "Where are we going exactly?" he asked.

"It... I wanted to offer something to you." Dumbledore turned to look at him, though his face remained in the shadows that were cast through the window. The fact that Dumbledore was "offering" him something made Harry even more curious. Usually, Dumbledore just told him to do something and he did it.

"Sir?" he questioned.

"I... do you know where you lived before your... before you moved in with your aunt and uncle?" Dumbledore asked.

"Godric's Hollow, right?" Harry answered.

"Yes, well... it might interest you to know that I grew up there too." He paused, turning to look out the window again. "My mother and sister are buried there, Harry. As are your mother and father. I rather thought... well, I wondered if maybe you wished to visit your parents' graves? It's Christmas soon, I figured..." he trailed off, turning fully away from Harry.

"Yes, alright. I've always wanted to see... well, where it happened. And this is as good a time as any to visit my parents' graves for the first time." Harry whipped his cloak behind him, clasping it in the front and tying his scarf around his neck.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to, Harry. I just thought..."

"I want to go, Professor." Harry cut him off, walking toward the door.

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