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#1. Always There For Me

Special Agent Seeley Booth



"Seeley, please. Just try to trust him." You ask your best friend, Seeley, and he sighs.

"Y/N, why him? Of all people, its him you go after?" Booth asks you and you cock your head to the side.

"Alright, dont get all jealous on me. I gotta run, Tim's picking me up." You say, leaving his office.



"Victim appears to be female. Mid twenties It appears." Dr. Brennan says as she examines the remains that was found in the walls of an abandoned house in Oklahoma.

"Sheesh, dont these guys know when to tear down a house? This place looks like it's a million years old." Booth says as he walks on the scene and see the body of you in the wall and groans.

"How long has she been here?" Booth asks Brennan, who looks at him.

"Seven years at the most. Maybe less. Dr. Hodgins found an ID on her. Her name was Y/N Y/L/N. She was Y/A when she was murdered. Had 35 dollars in her pocket in American currency and 40 in Canadian currency." Brennana says and Booth stops what hes doing and stares at your remains, realizing that he has let you down in the promise he made to you when you were younger and he saved you from your father.

"I'll always be just a phone call away, Y/N. Call me if you need anything."


Back at the lab, Booth is staring at your remains, lost in thought when Brennan walks in with a report.

"Booth, Y/N gave birth to a child before she was killed. She was only in the wall for 6 years. The baby is alive, but with the information that we have, all I need to know is if you and Y/N had sex within 7 or 8 weeks of her disappearance." Brennan tells him and he looks at her, and sighs.

"I love you, Y/N." Booth tells you as he hold you on his bare chest as he inhales the sweet scent of your hair.

"About 3 days before when got with Timothy Addison, an ex con. We had sex and neither of us used protection." Booth tells Brennan as he rests his hand on the bones of your own.

"Just promise me that if I die, you'll be nice to the squints?" Y/N asks Booth as the two dance in his apartment.


It's been a week since your body had been discovered by the demolishion guys. They managed to track down the baby that you'd given birth to. He was in an orphanage in Halifax, Canada. That's why you had Canadian money on you.

Booth automatically got custody of his son and they were tracking down the killer now.

While watching your son sleep, booth sees the small sated smile resting on your son's lips and glances at the picture he has of you.

"So, the FBI, huh? You must be insane." Y/N tells booth as he kisses her again and they finish the movie that the two had started a few minutes ago.


"You killed mg best friend and sons mother, you son of a bitch." Booth seethes out to Timothy Addison, who had killed you in a rage.

"Yeah, I killed that bitch. She slept with another guy, had his kid in Halifax, then tries to leave me for him! I wasnt gonna-" he says and Booth punches him in the face, knocking him out of his chair and walking out of the room, brushing past Dr. Sweets as he goes into his office and sits at the desk with the picture of you smiling back at him and he sighs as he looks to the sky.

"I'm so sorry I let you down, Y/N."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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