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The window was fogged up from the cold. Rain fell gently on the windowshield. We had been driving home from Los Angeles for a while already.

I looked over at Holly and smiled gently. She was pressed up again the door and drawing hearts on the inside of the window.

Attempting to look towards the road again, my eyes were drawn back to look at her hand seconds later. She wasn't wearing her ring. She hadn't been for the past few days, it made me uneasy, but I just pushed past it and acted like everything was ok.

"You have fun on the trip?" I asked focusing his eyes on the road.

"Yea, it was really fun. We should do stuff like that more often."

I nodded, "Maybe sometime next month or around my birthday..."

There was a light nudge at my arm. I looked over at Holly. "What's wrong Vic?"

I shrugged, finding it borderline impossible to answer while looking into her pretty green eyes. "Where's your ring at?" I asked once looking towards the road.

There was silence for a few moments. "It's at home." She paused and then added, "sometimes I don't see the point in wearing it."

My body went cold as I let the additional though sink in. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that... Half the time I feel like I'm not with you. No. I am with you. It's just that I feel like, half the time you don't care as much as you say you do."

I opened my mouth, and closed it almost immediately.

"- And, and I get that you're busy, it's just that I feel like you don't put enough effort towards us."

"How do I not put enough effort towards us? Because I think I do, considering all the other things I have to do."

I looked at Holly to see her roll her eyes. "Ok school is important enough, as is your job. But the band practice every day? Is that necessary?"

I looked back at the road again, it always came down to the band. Always.

"Yea, I think it's necessary. I've already told you, I want to get into the music industry. It's something that's appealed to me since I was a kid."

And it was true, I had been playing instruments since I was basically a baby. My dad had taught me how to play.

She huffed, "Ok, but you're in college! You're already on a career path, why are you going to drop that for a maybe career? I swear, ever since you got started on this getting famous shit, it's honestly made me question if I really want to be with you. Like how can I be with someone who-"


The black fell over me. For a second I thought I felt a splash of cold but it went away before I could even finish thinking of it.

I tried to open my eyes but sleepiness held them down. I honestly didn't know where I had gotten so tired from.

The sound of the rain outside only added to my newfound drowsiness. I decided that falling asleep would probably be better than fighting. My head hurt too much to try and stay awake.

I heard Holly's voice fading as stars appeared...

I was sitting on top of the roof, right next to her window. I knocked and she opened it.

Her green eyes were wide with surprise. "Vic. My parents are downstairs right now, you know they wouldn't be okay with you coming into my room. Especially not right now... What time is it even? Does your mom know you're over here?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Yea, my moms aware. And I know I'm not allowed in your room right now, which is why your going to come out here."

She looked out and down, "But what if I fall down?"

"You're not going to fall, the ledge is all the way down there. Come on."

She sighed and began to hunt around her room for a pair of shoes.

I stared out at the neighborhood. It was a quiet night in San Diego. And the skies were clear, making it easy to see the stars. That's what I'd remember from the night. Stars and Holly.

She sat next to me, "Whats this about Vic?"

I smiled and put my hand out. She put hers in mine. I pulled a small box out of my sweater pocket.

She inhaled as I handed it to her.

"Vic.... How? But? How? Oh my god."

I smiled at her. "Well you said you wanted to be my wifey. So I figured-" I grabbed the box and took the ring, "-that I'd make it easier for everyone to know." I slid the ring on her finger. "Assuming you were being serious when you said it?"

Her eyes were shiny from tears and she nodded. "Of course."

She smiled through the tears, "wanna go in my room?"

"Thought I wasn't allowed in there?" I smirked.

"Well, you're not... But my parents are going to bed in like ten or twenty minutes and I can act like in asleep until then."

I nodded and followed her back towards her window. Once inside I stopped and looked outside at the stars.

They seemed hopeful and full of bright light. Like if I picked one out of the sky it would solve all of my problems.

I shut the window and turned around to find Holly waiting for me to lay down. I smiled, thinking that this would be forever.

And there I am in the car again. Her voice, which had been calm earlier was now frantic, yet somehow hard to hear. She sounded like she was underwater.

Opening my eyes a sliver I saw a burning light, it looked like a lamppost at first, but I thought it was one of the stars from that night. Thinking it had come to save me.....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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