Chapter One: Escaping Kyrie

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"Mother please!" I begged my mother.

"Absolutely not! You've been slacking these past few days Gladia! You cannot and will not go to whatever that thing is!" My mother said back to me.

"It's a trip to study Earth, Mother. It's very educational." I said and crossed my arms.

"Why don't you do something educational like work on your projects for Nanza?" She said back to me.

"I finished those projects for Nanza!" I yelled and soon my mother popped me. I jumped and looked up at her.

"You do not raise your voice up at me young lady. Do you understand? I will get your father if you feel like you shouldn't listen to me." My mother said.

I scowled at her and she gave me a look that made me retreat to my room. I closed my door and plopped myself on my bed. I looked over at my bag and soon went to start packing. I looked at my phone went it beeped. It was my friend Drielle. I answered her call after hiding my bag.

"Hey Drielle." I said.

"Hey! Listen, Meralis and Rune are about to go over to Nanza's, why don't you join?" She asked.

I sighed some.

"Okay, but you guys have to meet me here. My mother is mad at me and probably won't trust me enough." I replied.

"Sure, we're about 5 minutes from your house. We figured you ticked off your mum again." Drielle said and I rolled my eyes some.

"Alright see you soon." I said and hung up, grabbing my glow pad that had all my projects in. I looked over at my bag again then went ahead and put it in my wardrobe. I also ended grabbing my tablet and went out to the living area, sitting at the table and worked until I heard the bell ring. My mother answered the door.

"Hello Mrs. Luna." Drielle said.

"Hello Drielle, Marcelis and Rune. How are you guys?" My mother asked.

"Good, thank you and yourself?" Marcelis said then asked.

"I'm okay, thank you. What brings you guys here?" My mother asked.

"W-we were wondering i-if Gladia could come with us to Nanza's." Rune asked. He didn't talk much and when he did, he was extremely nervous. But he was pretty chill around Drielle, Marcelis and I.

"Of course, maybe she'll actually get some work done." My mother said then she called me. I went to her.

"Marcelis, Rune, And Drielle are asking for you to go to Nanza's. So you can go but you better finish those projects or you're really going to hear it from your father and I." My mother said and I nodded.

"Okay." I said and soon left with the 3 of them after waving back to my mother. I sighed some and walked with them.

Soon enough we arrived at Nanza's. And Marcelis rang the bell. Nanza's daughter answered the door. Her name was Nevalie and she was adorable. She was only about 4.

"Hi Nevalie." We all said.

"Bonjour!" Nevalie said, then giggled. "Mummy!" She said and Nanza came to the door, wiping her hands.

"Hello Nanza." We all said once again, the guys' bowed and Drielle and I curtsied.

"Hello, you can get up now. I have no idea why you all do that. I've told you for years, not to." Nanza said and motioned us inside.

"Nanza, you're not like any of us. You're married to Jalus... one of the higher council members." Drielle said.

"And he would have us terminated if we didn't show you respect." Marcelis added.

"I am not the council, I am your teacher. And I say not to bow to me. If Jalus says anything, we will exchange some words. My status is not that high. Please don't treat me as anything more." Nanza said.

"Alright alright Nanza." Drielle and Marcelis said as Rune and I just looked at each other.

We all went to sit at the table and worked on our projects. Nanza soon came up to me, looking at my projects.

"Gladia... you have so many ideas and you're so creative... why do you not complete your projects and give them to me?" Nanza asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess I forget." I lied and Nanza looked at me.

"Sure you do." She said and walked away.

A Few Hours Later...

We were all working on our projects when suddenly our sirens went off. None of us said a thing, we all packed up and left.

"Hurry home and do not stop!" Nanza said and we all nodded and quickly made our way to our homes. First we passed Rune's house and his father came out.

Rune gave us quick goodbyes and went in. Second it was Drielle. Her older sister came out and hurried her in.

"Bye. Be careful." She said.

Next it was me. I looked at Marcelis and I quickly hugged and I watched him go to his house and I went inside to mine. I sat in the living room then my parents came up from the lower level.

"Gladia... I was just about to contact you." My father said.

"It's alright Father. I am alright... might you know what's going on?" I asked.

"Well I was talking to Urchlak... he said that the Borbahlus might be coming to attack again."

I shivered. They were our worst
enemies... well one of them anyway... they are the most persistent though. But then I thought, that this would be my best chance to escape. I talked to my parents for a little while longer before going to my room. The door opened and closed when I got into my room and sat on the bed.

I then went over to my wardrobe to fetch my bag and looked in it again. I made sure, I had everything then put my glow pad and tablet in as well. I looked in the mirror that hung on my wall. I went to change into another outfit and put my hair up into a side bun with some of it hanging down.

Our alarms soon started blaring, signalling that we were about to engage. I looked and soon jumped out of the window, landing into some bushes below. I scratched myself up some but it was fine. I looked into my house and noticed my parents were preparing themselves.

"I love you guys..." I said softly and soon ran to my secret hideout were I kept my aircraft. I sat and made sure I put everything in.

This was my final chance to leave those place. But I'll be back one day. I started my ship and flew to earth. I sighed and went to decide on what to change myself into. I had to look like more of an Earthling before I get there. I flew my ship for a long while before finally getting to where I need to go but before I could do anything, I heard my alarms go off and was hit by an asteroid.

I lost complete control and I knew I was coming in really hot. And there was no way, I could gain any control. I braced for impact and everything went completely dark.

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