Akala (One shot)

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"Ahh!" I shrieked as my foot hit a rock. I almost tripped! That made my senses awake. I groaned as I remember I didn't got enough sleep last night because I stayed up all night making a project. I sighed.

"Hey!" I turn around and saw Carl sticking his head out of their car, waving at me. The car stopped by my side.

"Good morning Jules! C'mon, get in! You're gonna be late. You walk like a turtle." He said with his boyish smile. I'm still too sleepy to argue with him so I got in the car. His dad's in the driver seat and as a nice and polite girl I am, I greeted him. He just nodded.

"You look like a zombie." I just rolled my eyes at Carl's remark.

I was about to say something but his dad suddenly hit the break. What the! Then there's a beautiful girl in front. Yeah, she's pretty but what she did was pretty too! Pretty stupid. Duh. Good thing our seatbelts stopped the force pushing us.


Where the heck is he?! He said he'll be here in ten minutes. I looked around the cafeteria and everybody's already eating and here I am patiently waiting for him. He should be thankful I love him. Hah! I crossed my arms with annoyance visible in my face.

Somebody covered my eyes. "Guess who!" Why wouldn't I recognize that sweet voice I always love hearing? Then my heart beat is speeding up. But wait! Noooo! He made me wait. Hmp.

"The reason why my stomach is grumbling!" I said with annoyance. What? Too much waiting makes me hungry! Well, everything makes me hungry.

"Sorry, Jules. Coach said something to the team. Don't worry I'll treat you lunch today." That boyish smile again that makes me like him even more. Urgh.

Carl has been my best friend and my crush since 5th grade. He's sweet and treats me like a princess-Just kidding! He treats me like his sister because that's how he sees me. A little sister. Just be quiet about me liking him. Carl doesn't know and he totally wouldn't feel the same way towards me. It would probably ruin our friendship. I don't want us to be in an awkward situation. Plus, he has someone he likes. He would be telling me how she looks like an angel and how pretty she is and how nice the girl she is. Psh! I can't be pretty like her but I can be nice! (Sometimes) Carl would tell me everything about her except who she is! That's the biggest curiousity in my head. ("-,-)

"What's with your face? It's like you drank a bottle of vinegar. " I didn't notice Carl got back from the counter. I sighed. I guess I'm one of those who has one-sided love love story.

"Nothing. Don't mind me. I was just thinking of your face." I smirked.

"Oh now I know the face with too much kilig because of me being handsome."

"As if!" I rolled my eyes.



I was on my way to Carl's classroom when I heard his voice. He's talking to Mark and Sander.

What he said made my whole world stopped.

"Guys, I think I'm already in love with Julie."

ASDFGHJKL! What the eff. Is that true? Oh my gosh. I can't help but smile like an idiot. Is it real? Is it real? Is that why he wouldn't tell me the name of his crush? Because it's actually me?

I just went to the front gate and waited for him. Minutes later, he came.

"Hey Jules!" I think I blushed as I saw him and my heart beat is speeding up again.

We're walking on our way home in silence until he broke it.

"Remember this girl that I like?" I nodded. I think I'm getting nervous.

"What do you think? Should I tell her how I feel?" YES! Definitely.

"Yeah. What's wrong with telling her?"

"She may not like me, you know." Oh she does. Trust me.

I gave him my encouraging smile. "Do you know Newton's First Law of Motion? Law of Inertia?"

He gave me a straight look. "You know I don't study. I'm not a nerd like you." I rolled my eyes.

"It says "Every object continues to remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless a force acts on it to change its state."

"And so?" I sighed.

"Think of it as this, Nothing will happen unless you tell her what you feel. Nothing will change between you two unless you make a move. So you should talk to her and tell her how you feel or else you're not gonna graduate on being a torpe." I teased.

"Easier said than done, Jules! I'm gonna need all the luck in the world."

"Just man up and do it! Geez." I walked ahead of him and secretly smiled.


"You're right Jules. I should man up and tell her. Don't worry, you'll know who she is soon." He said and walked away.

Three subjects passed and it's already lunch. I went to the cafeteria and to my dismay Carl still isn't here. I'll be the one waiting again. Note to self: next time, I'm gonna make him wait.

Thirty minutes had passed and he is still not showing up. What's up with him? He should text me if he couldn't come. Lunch time's almost over so I decided to find him. I went to our usual spot, the school's playground and I found him there with some girl. She's pretty.

I don't want to eavesdrop so I turn around and started walking. But heck! I'm curious so I went back and decided to hide behind a big tree. I could here their voices from here and I didn't know their conversation would break me.

"Julie, I like you. I really do." Julie. So the Julie he likes isn't me. Oh yeah he calls me Jules. Not Julie. I smiled at the thought but it's a sad smile. I think I'm getting mad at my mother for giving me such common name. I mean of all names why would we have the same?! I think life is mocking me. It feels like my heart is being prick by thousands of needles.

The girl smiled at him. "I like you too." Oh so they like each other. Hooray! Damn I'm already crying. This is what I get for assuming too much. It hurts.

Remember the beautiful girl we almost hit by the car? She's the girl Carl's talking to. So her name is Julie.

I ran away. It hurts too much. Why does it hurt so much? Damn it. I punched the wall to let my emotions out. My knuckles are bleeding.

It's like motion of falling objects. When an object is dropped, the object starts from rest and gains speed as it falls. I fell for him and I fell faster and faster as days go by. Now, my heart is broken because no force stopped it.

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