4. too late

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months rolled by

the tumour was getting larger

it had rattled on to her lungs

and her legs were getting number

her heart was in shreds

her eyes were dry

she slept the pain away

and she didn’t even try

later a doctor walked in

with a coat and a very sharp chin

the girl didn’t bother saying hello

manners wasn’t a thing anymore

because life has definitely not been too kind

and the world had turned against her soul

she was waiting for that fateful day

when she would vanish whole

the doctor pulled the girl in a wheelchair

into a room that smelled so bitter

but the girl could sense a tinge of sweet

a sign that she might someday get fitter 

the next minute she was laid down on a recliner

the doctor sent a quick prayer

h  e  a  v  e  n  w  a  r  d  s

and then a needle was jabbed

into her left arm

a flash of light

blinding her

the room was spinning and the girl was slipping

her eyes went blurry and her vision was blank

and she was certain this was that fateful day 

the day she was looking forward to

when she didn’t have to live

the pain and ache anymore

but she hadn’t expected it

to come so soon

and that was when she realised

deep within she wanted to live

to the fullest

because when she disappeared

she would never be able to see

the stars and the moon and

the winter snow  

ever again

and her mother

and her dolls and the ocean waves

she would miss the world

even though she didn't like it much

and she'd miss her dreams

she would have to let them go

and then the girl wanted to live

she wanted to fight her way through

because that's the thing about life

it goes on as long as you want it to 

but the girl's eyes had went blurry

and her vision had gone blank

maybe it was a tad bit too

l a t e.


a/n: or maybe not. it's a cliffhanger but the message is clear, live your life to the fullest, take every chance and use every opportunity because you never know when it's all going to end. love life and life will love you right back. thank you and stay amazing! :-) xx

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