Chapter 1 - The world turned upside down.

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Austin was walking home from school once again. His head was aching and he has back cramps because of his heavy bag. He then saw something, it was a key left on the floor.

The key was labeled 'Basement Key' and it looked old and rusty. Being curious as always, he picked up the key and stuffed it in his pocket. He would inspect it when he got back.

Apart from finding that, it hadn't been an interesting day at all. As usual, Austin had been beaten up by some kids from 10A. Being a smarter kid sure was a pain with everyone asking you for their homework to be done.

He arrived at the door and went in the house. It was a lot more quiet than usual, since his parents were usually screaming at each other or the dog would be barking at some random squirrel up a tree.
"Finally some peace and quiet for once."
He then dumped his bags on the couch and left.

Needing some painkillers, he began to walk to the bathroom. He made his way over to the medicine cupboard and began his search.
"Antibiotics, strepsils, calpol ugh where is it? Oh wait there it is."
He was about to grab it but then he felt something hard being hit against his head and he collapsed on the floor.


"Boss where do we put the kid?"
"Leave him in one of the empty rooms and leave him a glass of water or something."


Austin woke up with a massive headache. Scanning his surroundings, he realized that he was cuffed to a wall. It appeared that he was in an empty room. There was a glass of water on the floor beside him. He then gulped it all down and put the glass back.

Being bored out of his mind, he started thinking if a way to get out. There was an air vent above, a door that was probably locked and a window in front of him. Realising that there was no way to get out of his handcuffs anyway, he gave up.

He sat there, quietly, thinking, hoping, despairing.

His mind was blank. His face was blank. His eyes were blank and he felt devoid of life.

After what felt like a few hours of waiting, he heard a sound. *click click* and then again, *click click*. Then, the door opened up slowly, creaking loudly and the light slowly invading the room.

There, a figure stood in the doorway,

And the person he saw entering was...

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