And Now Welcome back to Miraculous True Love Identities Revealed/ IDENTITIES REVEAL PART 6 And Now This Is it The Big Reveal and Now let's Get ON WITH THE STORY HERE WE GO!!!!......YEAH!!!!!!!!
Princess MatchMaker: So LadyBug And Cat Noir What are you Gonna Choice? You Can Either Reveal Your Identities to Each Other /Give Me Your Miraculous/ And if you do: revealing your Secret Identities To Just Each Other I Will Give Up My Akuma..........
Ladybug 🐞: Ok.wait, Just Wait!!!! please just give a few minutes to think all of this Though ok got Girl!!!!
Princess 👑 Matchmaker ❤️: Ok got it but make it Fast Okay got it!!!!
🐞: got it!!!!
🐱: Got it!!!!
(LadyBug 🐞 And Cat Noir 🐱 Talking to each other and figuring out a plan On what to do):
🐞: Okay so Cat Noir What do you think we should do 1. Reveal ourselves to Each Other. 2. Hand over-our Miraculous. 3. And she said if me and you do Reveal ourselves to Each Other She said she would give up Her Akuma.!!!! So What Do You Think Kitty????!!!!
🐱: ummmmmm................ Well I don't want give up our miraculouses.So if I had to choose I would Would choose Revealing ourselves to each other. And also I really want to know who the Love ❤️ Of Life Really IS.So I choose Revealing ourselves to each other!!!! If it's Okay with You? My Lady.
🐞: I....I....I....I.... I Ok Let's Do It. And Let's Reveal Ourselves To Each Other!!!!!!
🐞: Why Do You Look So Surprise?I always wondered who was UNDER THAT BLACK CAT MASK!!!! AND YES KITTY I AM SERIOUS!!!!AND WE ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO BE DOING THIS REVEALING OUR IDENTITIES TO EACH OTHER, AND CAT NOIR YES!!!!!! THIS IS FOR REAL!!!!! And also Me and you have been keeping this Secret From Each Other for 4 Years And that is way too long!!!! So I think that is time to do it And let's make Happen So What do you Say Kitty let's do this thing Right now, Shall We!!!!!
🐱: I Agree with you My Lady And I am with you Let's Do it!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! Woo-Hoo!!!!!!!
Yeah. And I always wondered Who Was Under My Lady's Mask.🐞: Ok. Yeah!!! LETS DO CAT NOIR!!!!!!OK.Listen up Princess 👑 Matchmaker ❤️ Me And Cat Noir Had Made our Decision about what you said. And We will Reveal our Identities to Each Other!!!!!! 🐞🐱
Princess 👑 Matchmaker ❤️: Excellent Choice Ladybug 🐞 And Cat Noir 🐱 Ok then let's get it On then DO IT NOW!!!! YOU TWO LOVE ❤️ Birds 🐤 COME ON!!!!!!!!!
🐞 and 🐱:OK Then Let's Do It!!!!
🐞: Wait!!!!....
🐱: what is it my lady What's wrong Ladybug 🐞!!!!
🐞:I-It j-Just is that Cat Noir That you need to Promise me Something before we Reveal ourselves? Ok.
🐱: Of course My Lady. What is it?
🐞: Cat Noir, Listen to me. You Have To Promise Me This That You Will Like/Love My True Self And Not Just As LADYBUG 🐞!!!! Ok.
🐱: Of course My Lady. You have My Promise!!!!
🐞: Thank You Cat Noir. So Shall We Kitty!!!!
🐱: We Shall My Lady.
Ladybug 🐞 And Cat Noir 🐱 Both Agreed To Reveal Their True Selfs To Each Other And So they Did......
Miraculous True Love identities revealed
Fiksi PenggemarLadybug and Cat Noir de-Transform back into their true selfs and they see each other who they truly are underneath the masks And they couldn't believe their eyes And will they both accept who they truly are? and will they love each other ? And wil...