Kuroshitsuji - Fanfiction - Ciel x Alois - Pissing Him Off

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The morning was the time of the day that Ciel Phantomhive despised the most . He always had to wake up at the break of dawn ( yes , for him 8:30 meant sunrise ) and as if that wouldn’t be enough, he had to always wake up hearing that mockingly polite voice and that fake smile plastered on his butler’s face would be the first thing he saw .

But one morning something went wrong. He already woke up and the cat loving morron that called himself a butler wasn’t there . He looked around and said to himself that the bigest problem was not the lack of Sebastian’s presence , but the fact that his morning tea and his newspaper were also missing.

‘Of course . If you don’t have the butler that would bring the tea it is only natural to assume that the tea he should be carrying would not just float his way to the room just because you are the Earl ‘ he tought with a sweat drop.

But still , where was Sebastian ? The guy would rather die then be being schedule for 2 minutes if he had a say in it.

‘He would better have a good excuse for this’ he thought looking at the door of his room ‘he isn’t expecting me to go and start looking for him , right?’

“Sebastian, it’s an order” he said knowing the power of their contract would make the demon come to him “come now”

He waited. A minute passed , then two but still no sign of sais butler. All of a sudden his door opened . A loud shriek of “Ciel” was heard in the room and Alois Trancy came running in. Said blonde boy jumped on the bed and started hugging Ciel . As he was choked to death by the boy’s grip on his neck , the Phantomhive Earl could see the butler of the Trancy household -Claude- enter the room, followed by his own butler. Said demon had the tray with his late tea and newspaper in his left hand, some plates Meirin must have dropped in his right and was glaring at the other butler who pretended he didn’t notice anything. His glare instantly turned into a smirk when he saw the scene in his Younger Master’s bed.

Ciel was glaring at him with the Trancy brat practically bouncing in his lap. If the boy only know what … wait , this was Alois Trancy ; of course he knew what he was doing.

“Sebastian !” the Phantomhive Earl said “You were late . It is inacceptable.”

“I am terribly sorry , Young Master. But I had to attend to our , hm … early guests” the demon said glaring at Claude once again.

“That’s not an excuse, you should be able to handle that . And what are you doing here ? I don’t recall inviting you over , especially at this unholly hour” he said turning at Alois who was busy threading his fingers in blue-ish hair.

“Nothing about anybody in this room is holly so why would the hour be ?” the blonde asked smirking “and I came bacause i wanted you”

“You already know that my soul does not belong to me anymore.” Ciel said matter-of-factly “But you are always welcomed to fight my shitty excuse for a butler for it. I really don’t know who i’d like to see losing more”

“You’re such a filthy rat , Phantomhive” the Trancy Earl grouled while pulling at Ciel’s hair.

He watched the smaller boy make a face at the sudden pain and laughed all but innocently.

Meanwhile Sebastian poured the Darjeling black tea into 2 Wedgwood Blue-White tea cups . When he saw this, Alois sat down on the bed next to Ciel and took the cup Sebastian gave him , forgeting to let the butler have his hand back . “Your fingers are so long . How loud can u make someone scream with them ?” he asked smirking .

Ciel choked on his tea as he heard the question and Sebastian just smiled politely. “My killing ways are not a matter to be discussed over tea so I will ask the honoured guest to have patience until we can find ourselves in a better posture for such conversations.”

“Ciel , is your butler dumb or is he pretending ?”

“That is his way of telling you that his sex life is none of your business”

“Well maybe I want to make it my business, even if only for a night”

“Hm” Ciel cleared his throat “please take notice that I will not tolerate such indecent behavior and manner of speech under my roof”

“Oh my god Ciel, is this your sleep attire ? Don’t you have pants on ? That’s so hot ” the last part was whispered in Ciel’s ear, Alois proceeding to lick the ear lobe then bite onto it.

“How dare you ?” Ciel shreeked while trying ( and failing miserably ) to put some distance between him and the Trancy heir . He was so concentrated on getting rid of the blonde’s unwanted touch that he competely forgot where he was , finding himself after a couple of seconds lying on the floor looking at Sebastian’s perfectly polished shoes .

“Thank you for making sure I don’t fall , Sebastian”

“I deeply appologise , Young Master” the demon said while lifting Ciel from the floor. “I will now continue the preparations for your breakfast. “

“Yeah , right. Would you join me for breakfast ?” he asked turning to Alois.

“I already ate … anyway I will go amuse myself until you are finished”

“One more thing … I know that these kind of persons are of no use to you, but I still want my maid to live after you finish with her. And she needs all of her limbs. “

“Whatever. “

“Why wouldn’t this guy die already ?” Ciel asked while sticking fork in a slice of salmon “I mean I can’t really find a way he could be of use to anyone as long as he lives. Though I guess the Undertaker would like to examine his brain, the kid is real twisted.”

“It seems he would like to spend some time with the Young Master. Maybe you should indulge him for the time being. ” the uncarying voice of his butler said .

“I don’t wish to get involved with the imoral way he is used to spend some time .”

“But i tought the Young Master enjoyed that kind of … activity ” Sebastian purred and Ciel was sure he could actually hear him smirk .

“That is true. But at the very least I am refraining myself from letting the whole world know that. And I was only referring to the way he spends his time”

At that very moment , the doors of the dining room were opened and Alois Trancy ran inside dressed in the same dress Ciel was forced to wear at the ball that remained in his nightmares for a long period of time.

“Ciel , look what I found in your dressing room. Doesn’t it fit me ? Why was it in your closet anyway ?”

“It should have been a gift for Lady Elisabeth. Get that thing off of you this instant. ” he said feeling his nerves starting to boil

“You want me to strip for you ? 1. Even if I am wearing a dress, this thing will go the other way around between the two of us. And secondly this dress is not in Lady Elisabeth’s size and you should know that too. So can I please hear the real reason why this work of art should lie abandoned in your dressing room ?”

“That dress was of importance in one of the Young Master’s public affairs and I took the liberty of keeping it as a reminder of the success it had brought.” Sebastian answered smiling

“Burn it the moment he is out of it. Even better, burn it right now. How about being a giant torch , Alois ? It would fit you , you would be the brightest thing around , I can bet. “

“That wasn’t very polite of you , Ciel” the blonde said aproaching the Phantomhive Earl who was pushing the plate aside saying that he had lost his appetite.

“Well let me tell you what was not polite at all . ” Ciel said rising from the table and aproaching Alois too “Coming here uninvited was not polite. Jumping on me was not polite. Rummaging trough my personal closet was not polite. And touching me the way you did was the least bit polite. ” at that point of time both boys were face to face , their noses only inches apart. And although Ciel hadn’t noticed their close proximity , to Alois it was very obvious.

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