•°•°•°•°~Chapter 6~°•°•°•°

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No one was willing to tell you what Taehyung was really doing. Your dark thoughts began to flow into your mind and imprint dirty images on the walls of your head. To Poision your hopeful thinking with the devil's talk.

You looked down for a moment contaplating everything you and taehyung have done from the moment you first locked eyes. Shaking your head continously, hoping that it would send your bad thoughts spiraling out of your brain.

You left the living room to go to the comfort of your room and the smoothness of your bed. Laying on your bed face first you let a few sobs get out.

No y/n you shouldn't be crying, taehyung would never hurt you... Right... YES RIGHT so don't worry

Your thoughts were interrupted by the mochi boy.

"Hey... Again... Are you alright?" he asked making a sheepish action. "Yeah of course" you said trying to sound Chripy while wiping your tears. The cute mochi came and sat next to you trying to comfort you.
"Darling.... I can see your not alright... What's bothering you?"

For fucks sake why are all these boys so sweet... Oof they are all so nice... No y/n you are taehyungs remember.

"Honestly I just want to know where Tae is! so my thoughts can stop assuming stuff" you said hitting your head. Jimin took hold of your hand and put it down. "Right... The truth... Well he went to one of our clubs which is mainly for sex and he said he is going there to relax, since before you came he would always go there to 'relax' " his expression suddenly changed to pure guilt and pity for you.

Your breathing stopped
Tears were let free
Thoughts and images polluted your mind
Time. Stopped.

" You see why no one said anything, but... We are not sure what his doing since his not answering his phone so don't freak out... Yet" he spoke with clear uncertainty in his voice.

"But...What did I do wrong to him.... I'm not enough.... That's right.... I'm too fat... And I'm too ugly" you said picking at your cheeks and the skin on your tummy (girl you is skinny af what you picking at)

"Ya y/n you are so beautiful what the hell are you talking about... Litterly all the boys in this house are head over hills for you, not only are you beautiful but your smile.... Jeez it could light up any room you walk into, no matter how dark it is! " this time jimins voice was stable and full of emotion as he carresed your cheek giving you one of his famous smiles where his eyes disappear and he goes into full mochi mode.

Giving jimin a weak smile filled with appreciation you hugged him tightly crying into his chest. Your nose filled with the strong scent of his cologne as you took a deep breath.

"Hey don't waste your tears okai keep them for something special." he rubbed your back smiling down at you trying to be as comforting as possible. You nodded at him as he lifted your chin wiping your leaking eyes with his soft thumb.

"Wanna come eat with me and jungkook... Because we haven't eaten in like 5 days and I think I might die." he joked at that serious note.

"Sure... But why haven't you two eaten" you asked concerned. "oh well boss wanted us to look good for a meeting with some company where there would be alot of paparazzi... And we had to make an impression" he said while you guys walked to the kitchen to find jungkook heating 3 caserolls of kimichi fried rice and Korean beef.

"That... Must be hard on you guys.." you said feeling real empathy for them, jimin shrugged at you as if he does this day to day.

You guys began to eat and in a matter of like 3 minutes jimin and jungkook were done and onto some fruits. "Jeez you guys were really hungry huh? " you asked amazed. They both nodded with their mouth filled to the brim looking like little bunnies.

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