Author's Note
Please do not copy my work. It is my own work by law and copyright and I can prove that it's mine. Also people can see that it's mine by looking up on the internet. So for the sake of you marks and my sanity. JUST PLEASE DON'T COPY IT!!
Thank you
“So today’s the big day?” I asked my sister as she entered the kitchen after an hour in the bathroom and half an hour in her room.
“Yep.” She said as she collected her papers and lunch from around the kitchen. Lucy was currently wearing a black pencil skirt and a crisp white shirt which made her look very professional. Her hair had been straightened this morning and plaited into a high bun which sat like a frog on top of her head.
“Yuu gov yor resmee.” I said around me breakfast.
“Yes I have my resume. Swallow your food, you shouldn’t talk with your mouth full” I rolled my eyes at big sister. She poked her tongue out at me, very professional.
My sister had finished school with honours in computer science and had found her dream job at age 15. The job was with Multimedia Connectd, a world leading computing company and if anyone could get a job there, it would be Lucy.
She smiled at me as she left the kitchen and I heard the door close. Secretly I crossed my fingers and toes and hoped she got the job.
“You got rejected?!” I repeated. She had wanted that job so badly. She had been dreaming of it for years and wouldn’t let anyone forget it.
Lucy had finished crying and now she looked determined. In fact she was beyond determined. She had that look on her face that made me want to go and check that everything I owned was still ok. It was the look that sisters get when you know that they are scheming and planning to get back at someone for whatever they did to you.
“Marco,” she asked calmly, “Can you please reset the internet rotator.” I scrambled off without looking back.
Lucy stayed in her room all afternoon and then all evening. She missed dinner and I didn’t dare enter her room.
The next morning Lucy emerged from her room slightly crumpled and tired and still wearing the clothes from yesterday but she looked happy. Very Happy. Like a 8 year old who just raided the lolly jar. And she was carrying her laptop.
“What did you do?” I asked as she came into the kitchen
She smiled and set her laptop down in front of me. “Pull up the webpage from the company” She instructed me as she went to the fridge to get the milk.
I did as she instructed. The page took a few seconds to load before a redirecting sign came up and then I was looking at Lucy’s blog which she had had since she was 14.
“Um, all that comes up is your blog,” I said double checking the web address and pressing refresh.
“That’s the idea.” She said taking a slurp of the milk.
“You hacked the website last night and redirected it.” I said sceptically.
“Well I’m never getting on your bad side again.”
Lucy smiled.
Then the phone rang. “I’ll get it.” I said getting up
“Yes, Hello, My name is Richard Dubbson, from Multimedia Connected, I was wondering if I could speak with Lucy Maize please.”
“Hey Luce, it’s for you.” I called.
Lucy picked up the phone and I retreated to the kitchen.
After a few minutes I heard a whoop of joy and Lucy walked in and hugged me.
“That was the CEO and he just hired me on the spot.”
Moral of the story, If at first you don’t succeed, Hack their website and have them beg for mercy.